New Layout Streap Out Text Formating

  • See by yourself…

  • As I said above, I followed those exact same steps, and the images show for me, as indicated in the screen shot I provided.

    That means whatever is going wrong here, it is not with the interface but with your computer/browser.

    Please try doing the same in a different browser or on a different computer, and see if that makes any difference.

  • As I told before…

    the same occurs over desktop and celular

    I don´t know nothing local that strips off html tags between post and save on wordstress platform… and since the beginnig off my complains… were issues and bugs with the new bugged layout that had to be fixed…

    But… to didn´t give you this escuse… just tried over other computers and the same recorded on video above happens…

    Chorme, Firefox, Samsung Internet, Desktop, Notebook, cel phone, Tablet… tested and same happens

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