New interface killed the best features

  • Hi — what happened, when I click on link, to the ability to scroll through and auto link my old posts? It’s a major pain now to have to go through the front end to my site, find the old post, copy the URL and then click back to WP and paste it in. How can I get this feature back? Also, where is the word count? What a silly thing to get rid of. And the way the title/subject shows now, I can’t see it all at one time. Finally, when I am using my laptop, and not an extended monitor, if I want to schedule a post and not just publish right then, when I try to click on the calendar, there is no way to scroll down to see the bottom row of dates in a month (like next week). If everything on the left side functionality is a drop-down, you have got to have a way to scroll to it. Definitely not feeling like the new interface is as well thought out as previous versions in the writing phase. This is a big step backwards.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • I HATE the new interface. The old one was stellar – this makes me not want to even write posts. I’d love to have the ability to go back and use the old if we choose to. Yuck.

    NOT very happy :/

  • Hello there,
    The thread to post your feedback into is the sticky thread at the top of the support forums.

  • I finally settled on posts only, not pages for now. In Libretto, can I have a smaller drop cap?
    I tried to remove it with your code <p class……………………./p> putting it in front. You mention wrapping it, how do I manage that, please?

    Apart from that I am very happy with the theme and interface, easy to work with, even for me.

    Thomas niemolens

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