New help with plug-ins

  • Hi im new to WP
    i was wondering how i add the code for google adsense and amazon ad into my blog, i have the code and everything.
    i try uploading new post in HTML format the code disapers.
    i tired in appercence adding code in text box on sidbar same result.

    Can anyone help?
    I’d appreciate it greaty.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Sorry guys topic is meant to say ” New, Need help with plug-ins” my apologizes

  • We can’t answer questions in the Support forum without a link to your blog, starting with http, even if there’s nothing in it yet. We need to look at it.

  • im sorry,
    like i said im new
    i have posted one thing on it.

  • Since you’re new, you should spend some time reading TOS, FAQs and Support info pages as well as searching the Forum. Ads are generally not allowed in blogs. Some types of code are also not allowed.

  • thanks but this is were i get lost, i see pages with google adsense.
    but it states you are not allowed ads.

    is there something im missing or what? cause the code amazon gives me it says it works on wordpress it doesnt, then says i cant have ads is there a way i can if so how?

    THanks for all your help so far people, im 14 and new to blogging i do basic programing so confused with the whole blogging stuff :)

  • You’re welcome. Check the Sticky “ or ? The difference”. Also search Support and Forum for “adsense” and “code”.

  • so let me get this right is an online blogging website non-profitable is a website were you downlaod software (.php files) upload then to your webhost and they work?

    how do you edit/ add ads and themes and change blogs comments and stuff on

    and alose u cant have a website right?

  • you can’t add adsense into weblogs, even if you try to hack some wway into it i am sure wordpress would have you done. and you would be outta here i no time, remain within terms and conditions and it says we can’t add adsense and there isn’t any straight way to do it

  • wordpress doesn’t allow or let us play much with the code like blogger does. if it would have we they wouldn’t have needed to create shortcodes etc

  • The answers that you seek about blogs are all over at and in those threads pana linked you to. Most of the stuff you see around the web about “WordPress” is referring to WordPress.ORG. And the adsense you see on blogs is added by WordPress itself; they sometimes run adsense on the blogs they host here for free, and they keep the money; they don’t give it to the blogger.

  • After loads of reading i finaly mangaed to get the basic understandings of both.
    it seems like a like of time and effort is need for these.
    i spend most of my time on Visual Basic making programmins and learning code.
    or playing basketball.

    i will have a go at

    Thanks raincoaster,sourceforgenet and panaghiotisadam for you adivse and giving me guidence.

    If you three guys ever need anyone to review pages or given you feedback on just about id be more than happy to help, ( i send reviews to alot of appstores games with ideas) you can e-mail me whenever at (email visible only to moderators and staff)

    Kind regards


  • just to let you guys no they are considering adding that feature being able to adveertise on

    i got and e-mail from the support at wordpress

    Hi, At the moment, Adsense, Yahoo, Chitika, TextLinkAds and other ads are not permitted to be added by users, but we are considering such a feature for a future upgrade.

    May we suggest setting up your own installation of WordPress on your own web hosting account. There are no restrictions on advertising if you setup a self-hosted blog instead of a blog. See to learn about the differences. We have posted hosting recommendations at if you are interested.

  • Yes, yes, they’ve been saying that for three years. I wouldn’t hold my breath.

  • oh right lol

    my mistake

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