new feed stats

  • anyone notice their feed stats today? the pie chart is gone replaced by the bar chart. i prefer the latter, instead of percentages it gives a specific amount of readers though i suspect it’s not totally exact, because while the line chart claimed an x amount of readers yesterday, the breakdown of it to different feed sources such as bloglines, feedseeker etc, it showed more numbers! what does that mean?

    line chart – 12 readers

    bar chart
    other – 40 readers
    blogline- 20 readers
    feedseeker – 20 readers
    web browsers – 20 readers


  • It means our “in beta” feed stats are wonked up for the past little bit. Mine have been super erratic since around the ninth of May. Oh well, it’ll get better.

  • I have the same wackiness with the numbers on mine, but I just think it’s cool that the chart is there. I do like the numbers/line graph option better than the percentages/pie chart option.

  • Same with me, there is a discrepancy between the line chart total and the bar graph total. I prefer to use the “90 readers” number rather than the “22 readers” one, but that’s just me. I prefer bar graphs to the pie chart, especially when they give me higher numbers!

  • raincoaster: the higher numbers are very flattering, but we’re not sure if it’s an exact reflection of our readers is it? i still have no idea how many is reading my blog through feeds (even the line graph is very unpredictable, my feed stats readers fluctuate from 1 reader to 20), i tend to think the line graph is more accurate than the bar graph. bummer.

  • right, now it makes more sense. bar chart numbers are in percentage and not readers. bummer still. =(

  • I think WP staff needs to work on getting rid of the ‘Other’ category on the Feed Stats.

    Other – 71.4%
    Feedster – 7.1%
    Bloglines – 7.1%
    BlogPulse – 7.1%
    Web Browser – 7.1%


  • drmike: why? doesn’t others mean well, other feed aggregators? but what do web browsers mean? bloglines is a feed aggregator from a web browser isn’t it, but it isn’t under web browsers.

  • doesn’t others mean well, other feed aggregators?

    From a stats point of view, it kind of defeats the purpose of having the information when you’re not able to tell anything about it. Kind of like being told that there are 5 million cars on the roads and 2% of them are Hummers. How many of them are BMWs? *shrug* but 2% of them are Hummers! :)

    but what do web browsers mean?

    Being viewing the feed within a browser window. I’m betting that these are actually Search Engine inbounds as usually feeds get picked up with a higher search engine result than the actual pages within blogs. (We usually suggest to my clients that they drop the individual article feeds into a robot.txt file so that they don’t get picked up by the spiders but the whole site feed does.)

    Bloglines is pulling the information to their site first before displaying it within a browser window. That’s why it’s showing up that way.

  • Either my graph and stats have always been off (as in not matching each other), or I’m not understanding the simple art of reading a graph. Anyone want to try explaining it to a simpleton?

  • don’t bother attempting to understand it – they will never make sense. just read it with a pinch of salt, whether the stats of the day is low or high. at least that’s how it is with me, lol

    p.s. if you view your blog after you log off it gets counted in the blog stats widget, and probably the blog stats in dashboard too.

  • The WP stats are beta right now and although I can’t really explain them to you I can make a suggestion to you for what it’s worth. You could go to and install a free sitemeter on your blog. It will tell you the number of visitors and the number of page viwes as well as lots of other information, except the referrers. If you want that then you’ll have to get a paid account as opposed to a free one. They have quick and easy to follow instructions for specifically for blogs. The information provided is IMO easier to understand and more encompassing. This is just a suggestion and “no” I don’t work for them or anything like that but I use their meters on my blogs and I’m happy with them.

  • i just have to make sure abt this – i know thr’s a blog stats bug going around, but are you (referring to anyone) sure thr isn’t a feed stats bug too? my feed subscribers apparently has hit an all time high – from a normal 14 readers on the 11th july, it has risen dramatically throughout the past few days to 35 readers today (16 july)!? and i’m not even doing much posting these days (3 posts) nor re-editing of past posts.

  • I believe the only information we ahev on anything about the whole subject is in the pink sticky sulz. I have observed the same thing you have. Perhaps staff will make an announcement soo as to what’s going on.

  • The graph is a count of page views on your site.

    As to the RSS view count, folks coule be hitting your site more than just once a day. Mine is up and down all the time, even on my offsite blog.

  • I went from about 40 feed readers to 101 over the weekend. Either this was a banner weekend for WordPress (and is there a particular reason? Has something gone viral besides the jet on the beach video?) or there could be a bug.

  • Andy said this was a record Saturday – the highest ever in this thread

    andy – The stats database is not updated instantly when somebody visits your blog. There is a normal delay of at least one minute. When we are doing maintenance on the stats system as we were this weekend, the update schedule can be pushed back by as much as several hours.

    The total number of visits counted for this Saturday was our highest ever on a Saturday by a large margin, so I am confident that we have an accurate record on that chart.
    Posted: 2006-07-16 18:33:44 #

    In the same thread I attempted in another thread to get andy to address this same point that raincoaster is making.

    Thanks for your response. I would like to ask another question. I find it amazing that in one day 1268 unexpected visitors came out of nowhere. Is it possible that some database somewhere or some search engine somewhere suddenly became aware of our WordPress blogs?
    In other words, can you suggest any explanation or speculations for why suddenly right out of the blue on the very weekend staff were doing maintenance on the stats system the number of visits on a Saturday was the highest ever recorded?
    Posted: 2006-07-16 21:34:37 #

    I did not get a reply from andy – probably because several people added onto the thread and andy didn’t see it.

    drmike – do you want to bump this up to andy?

  • Feedback sent.

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