New Editor Design: Feedback Thread

  • Hi everyone, I’m sure you’ve noticed we’ve updated the design of our Calypso editor! We’ll write about the changes soon at, but I’d like to start getting your feedback now.

    If you’ve got a feature request, technical question, comment, or bug, please let us know here by responding with details.

    For bugs, be sure to include any errors as well as your browser and operating system information.

    Thank you in advance for your feedback!

  • The toolbar was not ‘sticking’ as I scrolled down on a post, but that seems to have been fixed.

    In terms of feedback, I’ll just say that I’m not a fan of the removal of the sidebar and don’t care for the dropdown option. I rather like having all of those settings at my fingertips and being able to take them in at a glance, but it isn’t a huge deal. It might be nice to have the option to stick that in place on the left.

  • I wish you could choose if the Post Settings features would be on the right or left of the page. It felt extremely awkward today.

  • I had no idea it was a new format, but, yes would be great to have the option to have on left, as was, it more intuitive and faster I thought – I thought I’d broken something?

  • I understand the settings moving is jarring, but in the old editor, the left sidebar had a mix of navigation, drafts and post settings, whereas in the rest of the interface the left side is strictly for navigation.

    By moving the sidebar to the right we give prominence to the content, as you see it first moving from left to right, and by containing only settings it clarifies its use. The ability to turn it off it also provide a simpler and more immersive writing experience. The basic site navigation is still there in the top left of the new document toolbar.

    However, I’ll pass along the requests for having the option to have it on the left if you prefer.


    I’m not a fan of the removal of the sidebar and don’t care for the dropdown option. I rather like having all of those settings at my fingertips and being able to take them in at a glance

    The settings should be visible by default, and only disappear if you specifically dismiss it. The exception would be on smaller screens where there isn’t space for it. Can you please confirm if that’s what you’re seeing? If it’s not working as it should, please provide more detail, along with your browser and browser window size. You can get both of those via

  • My main problem is that the drafts are taking up the most of my page and I can hardly see published or scheduled blogs, they seem to be squeezed completely at a very narrow area on the left.

    Is that how it is meant to be in the new design?

  • Yes , having the option would be best compromise, it felt more aesthetic for me how the bar popped right up for edits and posts, but lefty loosy – righty tighty option would be perfect!!

  • Just noticed that when you edit a blog, everything has been moved to the right side column instead of the left. What’s the reason for this? I find it an odd choice and your eye normally gravitates to the left.

  • I’ve noticed a couple of things. In the Visual Editor clicking on the “read more” button puts read more at the bottom of the post rather than where the cursor is. You have to manually edit the HTML to get read more to work. The other problem is when you add an image and select left formatting the text does not start alongside the image but at the bottom. Normally after adding an image if you click the left formatting option, the text will pour in to the right of the image but that doesn’t work any longer.`

  • I agree with the above. Controls, sidebars are usually on the left, as per UX experience. Not sure why this should be changed, or we should have option to go back to the standards (won’t say old) version. I don’t see how this change improves our content-creating user experience. If people are asking for this, then build in the option for them to chose.

  • Hello :)
    Here are my feedbacks (just what i noticed ; not meant to be unkind):
    The tools moved to the right, so there is a lot of wasted free space on the left side. (And i do not like it, because i look more to the left site. Every webssite use the left side for navigation …)
    If you add images to the database there was a edit button on the image, now there is only a edit button on the top tool bar. That is incommodious.
    Would be great if you could inform admins with a notice about updates …

    Things i want to get added :)
    i would like get the seamless design reduced, for example with a background with other color than the post section.
    I would like to get a full list of all used tag words, more like the older versions of The updates added cool new stuff, but also reduced some parts.

  • Um… any idea for when the button option for old edit style left bar might be?

    Kind Regards. maccy

  • My main problem is that the drafts are taking up the most of my page and I can hardly see published or scheduled blogs, they seem to be squeezed completely at a very narrow area on the left.

    Is that how it is meant to be in the new design?

    It’s not. Can you try clearing browser cache and logging back in and let us know if that resolves this particular problem for you?

    Solve Common Browser Issues

  • Why is the featured image at top of page AND on the right. Please get rid of it on the top. It is messing up when posted to Facebook and Twitter.

  • Why is the featured image at top of page AND on the right. Please get rid of it on the top. It is messing up when posted to Facebook and Twitter.

  • @kelley805 my posts are connected to twitter too and everything works fine with the featured image. I add it on the right navigation and it will be shown on the top while working on the post and is shown on top when published. It also appear in twitter like desired. This works fine for me.

  • On the Enterprise theme
    with the new editor.

    i cannot add a an image that is attached to a image file.
    that is if you click on the image it doesn open in a new browser page.
    also i cannot find were to add a slideshow.

    the above has to be added on the html editor or slideshow via shortcode.

  • On tiny thing I noticed is that when adding an image, the “Add button” and the “Down arrow” button don’t align perfectly. (→ Screenshot

    I’m using Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS & FF 52.0

    And while we’re at Calypso improvements, I’m still hoping for a media library link in the Calypso Dashboard. It’s a hassle to upload an image to the library just for the sake of posting a screenshot in the forums. ;)

    Martin K. aka iqatrophie

  • Who’s poorly tested idea was this?

    You now have the post settings window slider next to the browser slider. Worst design change possible – PLEASE PUT IT BACK ON THE LEFT WHERE IT BELONGS.

    I’m using latest version of chrome and window’s 10 it that matters.

  • Please move post settings back to the left.

    I also wish there were a popup warning option for double checking whether we mean to post. It’s never happened, but I worry that I will some day publish a post that was meant to be scheduled for a later date.

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