New dashboard design: problem with widget management

  • Hello!

    I have checked to see whether this problem has already been addressed and couldn’t find any topic that really answered my question, so I’m posting it here. Please, let me know if someone else has already opened a thread somewhere else.

    With the new dashboard design, I have now a real problem with the widgets. I might have missed an instruction somewhere, but it seems that one can’t change the widgets’ orders in the side columns anymore. Moreover, I mistakenly added one widget and when I wanted to remove it, it was just impossible. I can’t find any “remove” command anywhere. I’m actually quite confused here!

    I thank you in advance for your kind help!

  • Hi abeldi,
    I am the discussion right below yours. Same problem, you were probably typing while I was posting. anyway, if you find out the answer please let mw know and I will do the same.

    Be well,

  • click on edit and remove to remove a widget

  • Similarly you can move around the widgets after clicking edit (the widgets which will be displayed on page are displayed on right side)

  • But I don’t see any “edit” button or link anywhere. When I try to click on the widgets that I’m already using, nothing happens and I can’t move anything. The only links are the “add” links on the widgets I’m not using. Moreover, under the header “current widgets”, all I see is “Recent Posts” in big. I can click as much as I want on it, nothing happens.

    I’m wondering if the problem is related to my browser. I’m using the latest version of Flock (I think it is pretty much the same as Firefox, if I’m not wrong).

    P.S.: I really like your post on irritating calls! ;-)

  • I ran into this problem after I moved the position of one of my widgets. The widget I moved is now a text title that can not be moved, edited or anything. Also, the widgets below the moved widget are now gone.

    The Save settings button also disappeared.

    This is all in Dashboard and not the actual blog. I use the newest Firefox browser.

    Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

  • I cannot change my text widgets..when I try to edit them, only have the edit box shows.

  • I have a similar problem with my widgets. I moved one, and wanted to change the count of posts in the ‘Recent Posts’ widget. It seemed to work after dozens of tries, but when I viewed my blog, the css was (and still is) messed up and the design of some of the widgets has changed. Frustrating, because I didn’t write the css and have no idea how to make it go back to normal. Help!

  • I wanted to move my widget from sidebar 2 to sidebar 1 and could not do it


  • I just tried to remove one of my widgets, and it is doable. On the right side of the page should be a “Current Widgets” column. Underneath it has a drop down arrow that say which sidebar (ex. sidebar 1, sidebar 2). To remove a widget, change the drop down arrow to the sidebar you want. Underneath there should be some blue bars that say the used widgets names. There should also be an “edit” link inside the blue bar. Click that and the bar should drop down with more options. At the bottom of the drop down, there are two links “change” and “remove”. To remove, click “remove” and then click the option below all of the blue bars “save changes”.
    This should remove the widget you selected.

  • Well, I use the Blix theme, so I only have one column, meaning that in my widgets dashboard, under “current widgets”, I only have one sidebar in the drop-down menu. In there, it only shows one widget (when I’m actually using 16): Recent posts.

    I don’t see any edit link on any of my currently used widgets (added before the new dashboard design came into work), which actually all appear under “Available widgets”, on the left-hand side of the widget dashboard (except for “Recent posts”, the only one listed under “current widgets” on the right-hand side). This means that so far, I haven’t been able to remove any widget I’m currently using and I can’t even edit any of them, since they don’t appear under “current widgets”.

    I have accessed my dashboard with IE and Firefox and the result is exactly the same. Basically, besides adding new widgets, I can’t do anything with those I’m already using, neither editing them nor even removing them. I have noticed that the only moment you can remove a widget is just after adding it. Then, you can edit or remove it, but once you have clicked “ok”, then, the widget disappears from both the “available widgets” and “current widgets” columns in the dashboard and there you are with a widget you might not want, unable to do anything about it.

  • hi
    I am facing a very peculiar issue dont know if anyone of you have faced it. I am using the Neo-Sapien Theme. Now it so happens that whenever I am at the home page of my blog, the main sidebar appears on the left and other side bars are moved to the bottom of the page. But when I navigate to the second page, the sidebars appear as normal. I have tried using other themes also but to no success. I use Firefox Ver But I dont think that is the problem because this problem also occurs in Internet Explorer. This problem started on the newer version of the dashboard. Previously everything was working fine. Please help me to solve this issue

  • Okay I will elaborate go to (ut blog URL)/wp-admin/widgets.php
    on the right side of the page you will see current widgets.. the widgets shown here are the active ones.. dont bother abt the left panel for nw…
    — To remove any widget —
    Click on edit and click on remove

    — To change order of widgets —
    Its an ajax page honey drag and drop them to fit into the order of your choice (on the right panel alone)

    — to add a new widget —
    You cant drag any widget from the “Available widget” instead click on ADD next to widget of ur choice

  • My RSS Widget can not appear in FULL, so I unable to edit url feed.

    Does anybody experience the same with me?



  • — Prob with text widget —
    Ya thats still buggy I hope wordpress guys (u listening matt =P) do something abt it..
    Click on edit, make changes, click on change, and then scroll down and click on save jus below

    Select – all widgets – option, from the drop down menu to see all widgets
    Flock is cool I am also using flock, no issues here.. the edit link still not showing? can u post a screen-shot?

    — css mix-up —
    No fix till now.. you might have to upgrade to paid css or wait till wordpress fix the issues I guess (I am guessing)

    Ya u cant drag and drop betw sidebars.. you will have to edit-copy code go to other sidebar paste… save.. check if item is displaying properly on 2nd sidebar delete item from 1st sidebar (looong process I knw.. I cant see any other way)

  • @isengsaja
    Even I had issues with RSS… played around with it for a while.. now it works fine!
    After u make a change to a widget don’t forget to SAVE.. it is very easy to over see teh save button in the new layout

  • my monitor is 14 inch,

    does anybody with 14 inch have the same problem with me?


  • Oops
    under one admin

  • my problem is resolved by using Mozilla Firefox.

    download here:

  • I can not edit my text widget now, when I click edit the page widget is half open, I try to drag it the page in the middle..but still move back to the previous position… this because the new dashboard ?.. or what ??

    Pls help
    Thx a lot

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