New Dashboard

  • I like the new dashboard but where is the “visit site” button ? Have I just overlooked it ? I like to view my posts after I have published. I hope I don’t have to log into it each time. Stitchlady

  • At the top, you’ll see your blogname next to the W icon. Click on that to take you to your blog.

  • i want to to make my blog just like the old one i do not no how to use the new one

  • There is no going back to the old version. Take some time to explore the new interface and find out where things are. I think once you get used to it, you will like it better than the old version.

  • There is no going back to the old version. Take some time to explore the new interface and find out where things are. I think once you get used to it, you will like it better than the old version.

  • I’m sorry but while I ordinarily crave upgrades and new things to play with, this latest one is dire for me. It squashes everything into a very small space, leaving very little room for writing your articles and no means of hiding the 2 side panels which at least would help a lot. Think it’s going to put me off using WP quite a bit to be honest. Perhaps the next upgrade could think a little more about those of us with disabilities both visual and physical who find it hard trying to have SO much on a page when all you want to do is write your post! :((

  • The two side panels on the right can be move down below the text area by simply grabbing the blue title bars and dragging them down to the area below the text. To make the text area longer, go to settings > writing and change the number of lines to show in the editor. So be aware though that moving the stuff on the right of the text area down below the text area will not allow you to make the text area wider. We have never had that option.

    You can also go “full screen” with the editor if you want by clicking the monitor looking icon second from the right end on the top icon bar in the editor.

    Moving the

  • Forget the last line, I should have deleted it before posting.

  • I wonder how many people are staring at their dashboard wondering how to get on their blog. Then staring even more at their dashboard, wondering how to get to forums to ask how to get on their blog?

  • You can completely customize your dashboard, move, remove sections at will. I’m loving it more with each passing minute.

    Read here:

    Watch this:

    Yes, it isn’t perfect, but the two most asked questions in the forums since the release have been about locating the link to the forums and the link to your blog, both of which have been answered numerous times in the forums already.

  • And if that is the extent of the issues with the new version, WordPress did a bang-up job indeed. I’ve pounded on it hard in my test blog since the upgrade and found no issues. A breath of fresh air when compared to the last big upgrade.

  • Hey I got an idea. Why doesn’t wordpress put the ‘View Site,’ ‘Forums/Support’ tabs back up since those are the most common forum questions revolving around 2.7? Then, that would resolve any of us needing to answer those questions. Plus, since everyone seems to think that people aren’t coming to forums cuz they’re content with upgrade (and not cuz they can’t find forum link); there really shouldn’t be any increased forum traffic regarding 2.7 right? The interface is pretty cool, but it seems that the consensus ain’t happy about the 2 things which aren’t only asked in the forums, but on Matt’s thread as well. Just a thought….

  • ive upload pictures into my blog.

    Before it was possible to clic into the pictures to make them bigger.

    How does it work now…

    it seem that im not able to see my pic on their real size



  • Before inserting them, make sure and click the “file URL” button. Once you do that, the new version will remember your selection and from then on all images inserted will be linked to the full-sized original until you change it.

  • Thanks it work haha

  • There should be a “tip”- link for people to know they can move stuff around to have more space to write..or tips on anything else you have to “figure out” if it’s not quite obvious, i don’t want to sound negative.

  • Thank you WORDPRESS for adding ‘visit site’ back to the dashboard. I had no trouble figuring out how to get to my blog with just the link that was up earlier today. But judging from all the emails I got where wordpressers were asking me how to get to their blog, I’d say others had issues with it. So thanks….cuz I was getting tired of doing your job. Most of them wouldn’t have emailed me, if they could’ve figured out how to get to the forums or support. But with the 2.7 changes they couldn’t, so I inadvertently got slammed with your support questions. But anyhow, thanks….

  • So, it is time to post, and WordPress has a new dashboard. PG was horrified. Soon after he switched to wordpress, there was a new dashboard. He had all sorts of problems, mainly with the font size. WordPress would take his text, and automatically change it to small text. PG is very firm about using medium sized fonts. Finally, after reading a comment in a forum, he found a way to process the text+code so that it published in medium sized fonts. Then the code for the pictures got corrupted with the code for the text. It was a mess. What PG had to do was plug the pictures in, then cut and paste the picture code into a wordpad document. Then, you paste the text into the window, go from html to view then back to html. When you do this, the wordpress gremlins will change your text to small fonts. You cut and paste this into a second wordpad, do a word replace where you change small into medium, and put this edited text into the window. ( Small is a word you do not use when writing anymore, unless you want it changed to medium). After you do this, you copy the code for the pictures into the window. You check the view to make sure it looks right, go back to html, copy the code and paste that into your file for the post, and hit publish. It is more trouble than working on blogspot, but PG can get into his account here, unlike google.

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