New Comments Interface

  • So, today a new Comments interface showed up.

    As is often the case, what I’m sure someone thought was an improvement, is not.

    Specifically, the choice of font (thin) and font color (light gray), makes it difficult to read, especially for someone who’s eyesight isn’t 100% (a couple of my readers). Come to think of it, I have pretty good eyesight and I still find it unnecessarily annoying.

    I don’t see a way to change it, and that’s my first question: Do I have any control over how the comments interface looks, specifically the font and font color?

    My second question: why in FSM’s name did someone think this might be a great idea?

    Now, it could be it’s just my theme, so my third question is this: Is anyone else experiencing this ‘ghost’ font in their comments interface?

    Thanks, ejd Yes
    Jetpack: No
    Correct account: Yes

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Can’t address the second question. :)

    As far as this goes:

    Do I have any control over how the comments interface looks, specifically the font and font color?

    Since you have a Premium plan, you can use CSS to change their appearance.

    Just to clarify, you mean the comment form itself and not the way comments appear after they’ve been published? Or both?

  • It was both. However, now the comment is published with a slight gray background which seems to enhance the legibility of the crappy font and font color.

    As for writing CSS, I’m an infrequent practitioner (once every few years), so it doesn’t roll off my keyboard with ease, and it usually takes me a few hours to even find out what to try and change.

    That said, I previously tried to change the default font colors on my site, a couple of times even with the help of the support desk . . . and I still have to set it manually for every block.

    That’s why I would prefer it to be an option for the blocks rather than me having to learn how to write CSS and do the developer’s job.

    As for the comment section and its appearance, I’m still unclear why I don’t experience it on other sites. I can guess, but it would be nice to know for sure rather than me trying to lance a proverbial windmill.

    And thanks for the heads up on how to find this.

  • You’re welcome.

    You changed themes from Hive to Baskerville2, which is also an older theme. It uses the Customizer for styling. In the Customizer you’ll see a section on Additional CSS where you can add Custom CSS. Whatever you add there will affect your chosen classes and selectors globally; you wouldn’t need to add or change for each block.

    If you need help with CSS, you can ask here in the forums or Support directly.

    The recent change to the commenting experience/interface seems to have affected Hive’s comment CSS (?). (I saw that before you switched themes.) Why that would be I don’t know, but it’s kinda moot at this point. :)

  • Well, I’m kind of an older guy, so older themes agree with me.

    As for the global CSS, I’m pretty sure I did that for the Hive as well, setting all the fonts to black . . . which did seem to affect the individual blocks.

    I’ll try it with this one, but I’m not holding on to much hope because I have a feeling you can’t override how individual blocks behave. It’s just a feeling based on previous experience, and because that would mean that I wouldn’t be able to change the font color of individual blocks if the global settings controlled them.

    Then again, stuff is always changing, so it’s worth a shot.

    As for the change to the comment interface, it’s still the same with the new theme, so I’m guessing it’s just me.

    Anyway, thanks again.

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