New blog does not add posts

  • I have an existing blog at and started a new blog above. In my existing blog, each post opens as new, with the header on each post. This does not happen in the new blog and I can’t figure out why. Hope you can help.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there!

    I can see that on the old blog you’re displaying your posts on the homepage and you can click on each to open it up. If you’d like to do that on the new blog as well, go to My Site>Design>Customize>Homepage Settings and choose to display Your Recent Posts.

    You can also add a menu to make it easier to move to different pages on your site:


    I hope that helps :)
    Let me know if you have any more questions regarding that.

  • Thank you very much and yes – this worked fine. However, at the bottom of each post, there is : Published by jherring
    Dr James Herring lives in Dunbar, Scotland. He is now retired and taught in…….

    I can’t edit this or get rid of it. Also, I tried to insert a widget but could only do so in a footer. How do I list posts on the right hand side as in my blog? Best wishes,

  • at the bottom of each post, there is : Published by jherring
    Dr James Herring lives in Dunbar, Scotland. He is now retired and taught in…….

    I can’t edit this or get rid of it.

    Your theme Maywood displays author bio under each post. It’s not possible to remove that without some custom CSS code (available in plan Premium).

    I tried to insert a widget but could only do so in a footer.

    This is another restriction of your theme, it only has a footer widget area.

    I think you may want to try some other themes, for example, you can see here the list of all those that do display right sidebar:

    You can also filter the themes to search for other features you’d like.

  • Thank you again Fresatomica for your insightful advice. Please take a bow! Best wishes,

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