Neutra Theme – Change in formatting overnight?

  • Hi all…

    I’m wondering if someone can help with this issue. Yesterday’s post looks normal, like all other posts I’ve made over the past year. And yet, my post from this morning is completely different, especially in terms of the font.

    Yesterday’s post ::
    Today’s wonky post ::

    It’s not the bandcamp code I’ve inserted as removing it still leaves the issue. In fact, the formatting looks completely different from within the edit and write a new post pages.

    Can anyone explain/help?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • I am seeing a normal display using Firefox 3.6.16.
    Which browser and version of it are you using please?

  • It’s not the bandcamp code I’ve inserted as removing it still leaves the issue. In fact, the formatting looks completely different from within the edit and write a new post pages.

    Go to Settings > Writing and select “ ___ WordPress should correct invalidly nested XHTML automatically” and then scroll down and click “Save Changes.”

    Now, starting with your latest post, open it in the editor, make one minor change such as adding a space and then deleting it, and then click “Update Post.” Check your blog and see if it is back to normal.

    If it’s not, then look for an open HTML tag and close it. Check your blog again and see if it is back to normal. If it’s still “messed up” then open the next post and do the same thing post by post until it goes back to normal.

    If you have been copying and pasting text from elsewhere without using either icon 5 or icon 6 in Row 2 of the visual editor. Please see here so you know how to do this correctly in the future.

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