Need wider main column for images in Grisaille Them

  • Hello,

    I am currently using the Grisaille them and really like it.

    The only thing I do not like is the 590px width for images in the main column. Can this be changed with CCS?

    I do not want to spend the $30 upgrade fee only to find out I cannot.

    Thanks for your help!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Yep, you can use the limit width setting on the Appearance → Custom Design → CSS page to set the default, and you can also add custom CSS to adjust it manually after that if needed. Note that you don’t need to purchase the upgrade to experiment—you can always make temporary adjustments and preview them any time using the Preview button on your Appearance → Custom Design → CSS page.

  • thanks for the reply. can you help me with what the code is supposed to be? Id like the width to be 800px.

    Thank you :)

  • Here is an example of code that will expand the main column in the Grisaille theme by 200 pixels:

    #primary-content {
        width: 825px;
    .home-post {
        width: 805px;
    #header > a,
    #canvas {
    	display: block;
    	width: 1160px;
    #header > a img {
    	display: none;
    #header > a {
    	text-align: center;
    	background: url('') repeat-x;
    	height: 200px;

    You can add it on the Appearance → Custom Design → CSS page, and you should also increase the “Content Width” setting on the right by 200 pixels as well (so change it to 790).

    Note that the images may not adjust automatically and you may need to re-insert some of the past images to get them to show at the larger size. Whether or not you need to do this will depend on what settings were used at the time each image was inserted. I think they should expand automatically if you had inserted the images at “full size” when you created the existing posts, but you would need to save the changes to test it out.

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