Need unique URLs

  • Hi friends!

    I am doing a project that incorporates 1200 blog posts of *very* similar content, each post geo-targeted for a specific city. In order to make sure as much of each post is different as possible, I am looking for a way to give each photo its own unique URL, instead of just embedding it into the post. Is this possible? Definitely a time sensitive project, so any feedback is GREATLY appreciated!


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi marissamarieryan,

    I hope I can help with this. When creating posts have tried editing the Permalink? It autofills based on the title you enter in the box above it, but you can definitely edit and even get a shortlink for distribution.

    Also depending in your usage of your post projects, if the pictures were included as PDFs solely, the link could direct them straight to the photo instead of the blog.

    -Hope this helps

  • @jasdumas
    Please become keenly aware of the differences between hosted blogs and WordPress.ORG installs.

    We provide support only for blogs being hosted WordPress.COM and not for WordPress.ORG software installs. I suspect you are posting to the wrong support forum. and are completely separate and different

    We cannot change permalink structure on hosted WordPress.COM blogs.

  • @timethief

    thanks for trying to clear up some misinformation on my part. Maybe I was confused about the original question but on a you can definitely have the ability to edit the end of the Permalink, obviously not the structure (therefore not truly unique)


    if that wasn’t a related helpful suggestion, my apologies to marissamarieryan & timethief


  • All photos here have unique URLs if they are uploaded to a blog, by default. There is no way to AVOID photos with unique URLs.

  • Awesome stuff guys, thank you very much. I did know about the permalink change ability, but hadnt thought much about using it as another place for a few keywords, so @jasdumas, you were super helpful.

    I was worried that if a photo was inserted directly into the post and not posted to a ‘gallery’ somewhere else first, it would not have its own URL.

    Just to be clear, the photo does NOT have to be hosted in a different section such as a gallery to have a unique URL (as in, i can upload a photo directly from my computer into the blog post)?

    I’m sorry if im asking this in an unclear way! Thanks again for the fast responses, very much appreciated!

  • It does not matter how you upload a picture – it will have it’s own unique URL & file name

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