Need to fix background color on homepage

  • The background color on my homepage is half gold and the lower half bright pink. I am using the Customizr theme but the problem also shows in other themes. Does anyone have CSS code that might fix it?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hey there,

    What changes exactly are you wanting to make?

    I see the following CSS within your site is producing this styling:

    body.elementor-page-1960 {
        background-color: transparent;
        background-image: linear-gradient(180deg, #b7b247 50%, #f2295b 0%);

    The color code #b7b247 is the gold and #f2295b is the pink, you can replace these two color codes with ones of your choosing to style your homepage background differently.

    If I have misunderstood your issue at all please clarify and let me know exactly what your looking to achieve and I would be happy to offer assistance.


  • You are likely correct. Sorry I am new to coding. Where do I locate that CSS? If I right-click on the homepage background and choose “Inspect Element” it displays CSS but I do not see the CSS you refer to.

  • You can use the CSS editor to customize the appearance of your site. It works by allowing you to add your own CSS styles to override the default styles of your Theme.
    To access the CSS editor, first launch your site customizer then click on the CSS tab to access the CSS editor and apply the above CSS code mentioned by the staff.


  • Thanks! – I used the CSS above and changed the gold to 100% so the background is all the same color now.

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