Need to customize column and sidebar widths, and colors

  • Hello,

    I need to customize the following at my blog:

    1. The primary sidebar (left) color needs to be white, while keeping the top menu color grey

    2. The main column width needs to be 700 pixels instead of 474 pixels.

    3. The secondary “content” sidebar (right) width needs to be reduced down from 306 pixels to 225 pixels.

    I need some guidance for these three issues. I do not have time to read and learn how to apply these fixes in CSS code… I am on a very tight deadline to re-design my website, and I am already very far behind schedule.

    Blog address:

    Let’s start with these 3 issues first. My next issue will be to fix image alignments within the body text later.



    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • What is the cost to get the customizations I am asking for? Coding and understanding CSS is not my gifting. Graphics is. I need help!

  • I got tired of waiting and I found a new theme that is even better, and I don’t need any customization. Thanks, anyway!

  • I spoke too soon. After scouring all the different WordPress temes that I thought would work well with my page, it turns out that the Twenty Fourteen theme is the best one for my site to use. So, I need to re-submit my original request from Friday March 13th.

  • Hello Belgianbeerjournal,

    Cool name:)

    Let me know if you still need some help with your css.

    I work over skype(Screen-sharing), I teach, I educate.

    Best Wishes,

  • Hi serge…

    Besides Skype, where else can you help? I am desperate and with no money… I’m finding myself having to revert back to the old theme.. :(

  • Serge…

    I need to go back to the Twenty Fourteen theme. I went back to the old iTheme version. I will email you when I am done. Thank you- I want to purchase the customizing upgrade, but got discouraged when I got no responses from anyone. I will stay with my plan to purchase the upgrade if you can help!

  • £15/hour, soz but it’s my time, it’s my work.

    I’ll give you a little advice from what I looked at,
    Your max width is set to 1260px, change it to 100%, (leave header width 100%, also and your menu)
    Add another div wrapper for content , make it any width you like and add margin: 0 auto;
    You will need a little default css, to get a clue where to modify.
    I use chrome, right click on element -> inspect element, read css for element that you want to change, also look at associated elements e.g. parent element that you want to change, which might conflict.

    Good luck.

  • I suggest to leave content width 100% as well.
    Your header image => add div with background image => background-size:100% 100%; background-postion:center center;

  • I am not a techie person… I don’t understand what you are telling me. I’m a graphic artist, thus I respond better to visual instructions. I need to be shown how to do this. Thanks anyway. I’ll just go back to the iTheme look. I have no $$$ to pay, I am on disability and barely surviving.

  • You still have to learn.
    Look. 5 Years ago I have started my self learning programming.
    It was very difficult. right now 5 years on. I have realized how much time I had wasted, simply because I didn’t want to spend extra 5-10 hours reading.
    I have been cutting corners to get the job done quick…and it got me nowhere.
    You have to learn. And don’t worry that you behind the dead line, especially if it’s a free project.

    CSS is the way you tell to browser how to display thinks.

    It’s like in photoshop you clicking green color to element green, in css you type color:green, text alignment…text-align:center/left/right/justify…
    Learn what to ask google.

    I often spent lot’s of time just because I would phrase my self differently that most people – English is not my first language.
    I have learned with time if I cannot find a solution, retype your problem with different words – adding stackoverflow on the end of the phrase, hope this helps:)


  • Yes, I agree… learning how to code CSS is a valuable skill. But at the present time, I have vendors who are counting on me to have this website re-designed and finished soon. I have decided to go with the SELA theme. I think it will work well. Maybe at a later time when I am not under a strict deadline, I will pursue learning CSS… just not right now. Thank you for your words and advice.

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