Need to change currency on my account

  • Seems ridiculous that I have to ask for this to be done – why not have a setting for location or currency? But I see several similar posts, so here goes…

    I signed up for the account while on a cruise in Southeast Asia and the currency seems to be set to something I don’t even recognize. I need it to be in US$ before I can upgrade to a paid plan.


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    Seems ridiculous that I have to ask for this to be done – why not have a setting for location or currency? But I see several similar posts, so here goes…

    Thank you for your suggestion, we will take it into consideration.

    I signed up for the account while on a cruise in Southeast Asia and the currency seems to be set to something I don’t even recognize. I need it to be in US$ before I can upgrade to a paid plan.

    We’re sorry for that. We have updated your account to USD as requested. Note that the currency setting is specific to the username account, not to the site.

    Thank you again!

Reply to Need to change currency on my account