Need more Moderators at Off Topic Forum!

  • Since all the mods and staff are apparently hiding away. Can someone please sort out the off topic section. It has been almost a week now, and yet hardly anything has been done to remove a certain user.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • I agree. She is now making extremely offensive and racist remarks about another user.

  • I’ve e-mailed support, not only is it offensive to the people the comments are being directed at, they’re also offensive to the younger users that comes to these forums.

    Absolute joke.

  • It’ll be interesting to see what happens. You’re right, it is a joke.

  • I apologize for the time frame this matter has gone on for this is the first I’ve known about this user after looking at a few comments it became obvious the user is only purpose is to cause havoc I have revoked their forum privileges as well I’am going through all the threads they have replied in and will be cleaning up the mess they caused…

    I am also forwarding this matter to staff as well

  • It’s about time too! Thank you sl1k.

  • Thank you sl1k :)

  • @sl1k
    I appreciate how much work going through the threads is. It’s important to preserve the goodwill that exists in this blogger’s community and not allow disturbed and self-serving people to create ill will. Thank you so much for stepping in and taking action.

  • I appreciate the thank you’s and everyone is very much welcome!

    Okay I see I actually redacted one of their comments because the thread was marked for moderation at that time I was under the impression that user had a few harsh comments so no further action was taken at the time the Modlook tag is viewed by mods and staff and sometimes I miss the thread that’s been marked due to someone else removing the modlook tag this doesn’t happen often but it happens from time to time…

    I left some threads intact because of moderation policy on the criteria of thread removal some of their comments are intact as well because their comment added to the discussion in the thread…

    I have also forwarded this matter to staff through the moderation channel staff has step up for the mods …

    I will be also closing this thread due to forum policy since this matter has been dealt with via the mod aspect of things please continue to modlook any threads that fit the criteria for mods or staff

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