Need Help Switching to Classic Editor. Plus noticing some site features are Inac

  • Hello there!

    I had to make and switch blogs while upgrading my brand across places on the web, and I need help switching the editor I use to classic. The blog in question is

    I tried to switch it myself but honestly all the methods that are suggected by WordPress to go through the change are inaccessible. I don’t see three dots at all at the right top of the page or post editor, my screen reader doesn’t reckonize it all.

    And the support page telling people that you need to hover over something to switch back to the classic editor….Wordpress, are you intentionally making things more inaccessible? Because anyone with a screen reader will tell you that hovering over something is something we can’t do, or at least most screen readers I know of can’t do.

    And while I’m it regarding things that are inaccessible, I noticed that when I made the new blog, the new version of creating a blog is inaccessible. It wants you to select all kinds of things that doesn’t seem to be reckonizable by my screen reader. I had a feeling that this was coming sooner or later, but I guess I was right, unfortunately, and WordPress is actually starting to lose it’s reputation as the most accessible blogging platform on the web. In the end, I had to grab help from a sighted family member in order to even make the new blog.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • I have switched your sites to the Classic Editor as requested.

  • Thank you!

    Quick question. Will the classic editor remain there if I switch to a different theme? Depending on the theme? I was thinking of switching to the Text Book theme, but I don’t want to switch themes only for the editor to switch back to block editor.

  • Some themes require the Block Editor, even though they’ll work okay with the Classic Editor (a few features will be missing under Classic).

    If that happens, please just let us know and we can switch it back to Classic.

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