Need help! Smaller header title (h1) or navigation title

  • Hello,

    I am trying to find out where I can make changes to the navigation headings/page titles. They are too big. I am not referring to the navigation menu bar titles at the top of the page.

    I am referring to, for instance, the words “Contact Us” to indicate that you are on the Contact US page is too big. I would like to decrease it. I dont know if that is considered an <h1>.

    Please help :-) Thank you.

  • Hi there,

    Can you please let me know your site’s address so I can point you in the right direction of getting support?

    Please note that these forums are for hosted sites only. If your site is using the open-source software you need to seek help at these forums:

  • Thank you, I am not sure which WordPress I am using. However, I made a change to the h1 in a CSS file. It changed on mobile, but not on desktop. Very weird.

  • If you’re able to change CSS files directly, you’re using the open source version of WordPress at another hosting provider, as that type of change is not possible for sites hosted with us on

    Please contact support for the specific theme you’re using on that site, as this is something that’s controlled by your theme.

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