Need assistance — Can 'Dustin H.' help?

  • I had great help from one of your engineers, ‘Dustin H.’ This time, there seems to another modification of my page from an unknown person or persons. Also, I´ve received negative feedback about getting the colour back on the Pilcrow blog — it appears the theme has been retired. Does this mean loss of functionality for users who still enjoy it? Please advise (I try to be patient.)

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Themes are retired when they no longer support all features. They can be used only on blogs that have previously used them but not on any new blogs registered after retirement. The recommendation is to switch to a newer theme and the good news is that you don’t need to be a rocket scientist to do this.

    You can use any free two column theme to replace the one you have.

    re: changing themes on WordPress.COM hosted blogs
    Themes are just “skins” on WordPress.COM hosted blogs. You can quickly and easily change themes on any WordPress.COM hosted blog to another one found here and no data will be lost or negatively affected by the change. The only time you may have to do some work is if you are changing to a dramatically different theme and have done any CSS editing.

    Provided you are logged in as Admin under the same username account that registered the blog go to Dashboard > Appearance > Themes, Browse themes until you find one you like and click the “activate” or the “preview” link, or type in the name of the theme you want to use when it appears.

    I suggest that you let that old theme go, switch themes and consult this support doc

    Note that every theme will have a detailed theme description page with set up instructions and a live demo site page that you can consult. Here’s an example:

  • P.S. When I look at your site and see that whack of static page links at the top of it I realize that you do not know how to create and use a custom menu effectively. Please see here:


  • Hi @pavelryana, if you were working with Dustin via ticket, you can get in touch by replying again.

    If you’d like to continue working here, can you let us know what page was modified?

  • @supernovia- Although the OP has received replies here in the forums, I feel this community member may best be served by handling her support issues directly by email. It does not seem that she accesses or reverts to the previous forum threads that she has started. (Please see her profile.)

    Thanks for listening.

  • Okay. I’ll send a note and close out this thread for now. Cheers :)

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