Navigation menu on mobile version only showing on half of the screen

  • When I am on the mobile version of my website, I click the hamburger menu icon & it shows the first couple of options of the menu. Although to see the rest of the options, I have to scroll within the section it does show. I would like for the navigation menu to show fully without having to scroll to make it more user friendly. I would like to add that I have equivalent to 0 knowledge on CSS I have been editing through visual editor and some tips from videos on coding.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there!

    I checked your site and this is what I see while clicking on the hamburger menu icon:

    It looks like the Submenu & Overlay text color is set to white (same as the background), so the menu items are not visible.

    Could you please change the text color by going to this page (Appearance → Editor) and following the steps from the screenshot:

    If you still need any help after completing the above steps, please let us know :) We are here to help!

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