navigation menu broken after update made

  • Hi- I have recently updated the wordpress version and also have uninstalled WPML plugin on the following website:
    since the plugin has been uninstalled, the navigation menu isn’t working anymore.
    the pages are still there, but when you hover over the links it overlays- changes the background image which for one comes in the wrong place and seems to knock out any link clicking ability. Could it be from the theme used?

    I would appreciate any advice on this issue.
    Thank you

  • Could you please post your question to forums here.

    Please note this is a forum and hence is not appropriate to ask self hosting (.org) related questions. Thank you.

  • it does not seem to be anything wrong with the theme but with your code as the first navigation item is working properly

  • thank you. I have asked on the .org forum as well several times and have received no reply, that’s why I came here.
    Unfortunately, I do not know how to check the code. I will ask again on the .org forum.
    Thank you, again

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