mybloglog widget bug

  • i’ve copied and pasted the mybloglog widget code into my blog. however it does not show the table of visitors, just the links. i’ve been using this code for a long time, but just the past few days it just stopped working. i’ve recopied the code from mybloglog thinking maybe i’ve accidentally deleted something in the code but the result is still the same. what’s wrong?

    i’ve read this thread but i’m not sure if it’s the same because the html code in engtech’s post is a little different than the one i’ve given below.

    the html code:

    <div class="mblrr_v">
    <h2><span>Recent Readers</span></h2>
    <a href=";p=0"><img src="" alt="View My Profile"></a>
    <a href=";p=1"><img src="" alt="View My Profile"></a>
    <a href=";p=2"><img src="" alt="View My Profile"></a>
    <a href=";p=3"><img src="" alt="View My Profile"></a>
    <a href=";p=4"><img src="" alt="View My Profile"></a>
    <a href=""><span>View Entire Community</span></a>
    <a href=""><span>Provided by MyBlogLog</span></a>
  • My widget has been down for a couple of days, it just seems to be affecting WordPress. As far as I can gather support are away till Monday. I miss my ‘Recent Visitors’ . :(

  • Yes, I’ve noticed it as well. Hopefully this will get fixed soon. Send a Feedback on Monday.

  • ah great. i thought i was the only one, since it was down a couple of days and nobody is reporting.

  • I only noticed it down today and was waiting to see if someone else would report it. It’s down on all of my blogs.

  • The mybloglog widgets stopped displaying yesterday on my blogs too.
    I have the avatars turned off and I didn’t consider this to be a priority so I didn’t post on it previously.

  • You’re not the only one. It’s the same on my blog. No more picture, only X appears.

  • I simply took the widgets out for now.

  • Please note this:

    Support will be closed Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday while the Automattic crew gathers in San Francisco in preparation for WordCamp 2007. We will re-open Monday morning around 9AM PDT.

  • Add me the “me-too” list. =( Mine started yesterday (7/19) and was weird because it flashed the images once and then they disappeared. I have done the same thing as sulz – cut and paste the code several times and then try to update it to no avail.

    I have noticed wordpress sites using the more than five mybloglog widget seem to still be up and running. Maybe it’s a coincidence?

  • (deleted duped post – sorry ’bout that!)

  • I am glad to join the club…well I am not sure about “glad” but it is nice to see I am not on my own :-)….I want my visitors back!

  • It’s down on my blog too. Not on my self hosted blog thoug, where I have a widget working fine.

  • I wrote to support at MyBlogLog and to a person I know there.

    I thought it wasjust me at the time.

    I will write back and point them to this thread.

  • Just for the record…I have the same problems with my blogs. At least I know I’m not alone.

  • Support Temporarily Closed
    Support is closed for the weekend. Staff is aware of the issue.

  • I have the same problem of display the picture and try many way to solve it but no avail, so I come here to see any other have solve it or any other solutuion , so I am not a lone.

  • I have the same problem and reported it to mybloglog. Got a reply saying they were working on it.

  • It seems to be improving: at least it’s in the right shape, with little red x’s where the images should be.

  • The topic ‘mybloglog widget bug’ is closed to new replies.