My website creates duplicate pages if i use tags & categories

  • Hello. Whenever I try to add a tag to my blog post or categorize it a new page is created in the backend. I got to know this while I was doing a site SEO audit of some third party platform. It said that due to this, duplicate content is created and is harming my ranking. I even noticed that “#more-360” is added at the end of my website link. And every time I edit the post, the number changes. Refer this link
    the number #more-432 is generated now.
    I want to know is it okay or is it an issue? If it is an issue, how to solve it?

  • HI there,

    Your site is not hosted on, but using the open source software at another hosting provider.

    Support for your version of WordPress can be found here:

    That said, it sounds like you’re speaking of tag and category pages. Those aren’t actual pages, but archives listing the posts belonging to that particular category or tag, just like there’s an author archive listing posts published by each user on the site, and the main archive listing all the posts you’ve published.

    These archive pages are not considered duplicate content by search engines, and are in fact essential for good SEO. You just need to manage them properly.

    You can see a very good article on the topic written by the folks who make the popular Yoast SEO plugin here:

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