My viewership has tanked recently… is there a problem?

  • I don’t really know how to word this, but really since around Christmas time my blog had stats that were absolutely booming – for at least a solid three months. The majority of those references were search engine references, however within the past couple weeks I seemed to have lost just about all of the references I was getting from search engines, and as a result I have been getting very few views daily. I was wondering if there was some sort of problem with my blog/the system or something like that, especially since I’ve talked to other bloggers in my same niche on WordPress who’ve also said that their search engine references have tanked. I hope this made sense.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Were your search engine referrals all for one item? All from one particular search engine? If so, it’s likely that search engine rejiggered the way it measures things.

  • No it was multiple posts across multiple search engines, daily. I thought it may just have been the search engines doing something themselves but I got a tad suspicious when other bloggers in my niche were having the same problem.

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