My solution for a fixed image in Structure theme homepage

  • Bonjour,
    Because I can read many dicussions around this big grey box or featured image, let me give to you my solution for getting a fixed image and a fixed title for the homepage of the Structure theme.
    In Article>Category, create a Welcome category.
    In Appareance>Theme Options, select the Welcome category as the one to use for the front page featured post.
    Create an article of this category with a featured post. Its title will become the welcome page Title and this image will become your fixed image.
    If you don’t use the Welcome category for all the other articles, this will remain without preventing you to get the new articles in the Homepage.
    If you want to change the image or the title just modify the article.
    If you create a new article of this welcome category without a featured post, you will see the big grey box again.
    Voila,I hope this is clear enough.
    Au revoir.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • structure theme only looks nice only in showcases… genral blogs it’ll look worse than ever

  • I do not agree… My only concerns are the search function which should be replaced by a widget…and some very few translation weakness. It allows a lot of possibilities in the apparence. I love it.

  • I wanted to declare this topic as resolved… but it took time for me to find it even if it is only 2 days old. I entered the tags I had in mind… but no way. Could someone tell me how the search in the forums does work ? Thanks in advance.

  • I don’t use the searchbox here in the forum. I use Google. Here’s an example of the Google search string I used.
    structure grey box
    Here are the results >

  • Also note that if you use the searchbox on the support documentation home page it will provide search results that additionally include links to related forum threads. It’s better than the forum search box.

    If you click “member” under your username you can locate all the posts you have made to this forum.

    If you click Add this topic to your favorites (?) in the sidebar of any forum thread the posts you “favorite” are easy to find.

  • Thank you… again. Au revoir.

  • Thank you for this reply . it was helpful.

  • @tassiopee
    Your solution is very helpful. Thanks for sharing it. :)

  • The wordpress team has added the search widget back for this theme as I begged them to put it back! its back!

  • i love the Structure theme, but don’t completely understand it:

    is the concept that the “featured image” and newest post be exhibited one on top of the other … or am i doing something wrong?

    cause why would you need both a “featured image” and a new post? in my mind, the point of a blog is that the newest post should be the “featured image”

    my question is:

    is there any way to use this theme and get rid of the “featured image” concept and have all of the images be viewable going down in a row (sort of like a Tumblr theme)?


  • The concept is to showcase the latest post from a given category; given category doesn’t have to be all posts. But anyway that’s the distinguishing feature of the theme: if you don’t like it (I don’t like it either!), use another theme. The only way to remove the “Homepage Top” area is by editing the CSS of the theme (if you buy the CSS upgrade).

  • Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

  • You’re welcome.
    It’s such a pleasure for me who started to blog one month ago to realize that I could help someone… I have also taken benefit from other bloggers advices.
    I visited your starting blog and realized that you succeeded in implementig the solution. Great.

  • I am eternally grateful to tassiopee. Your solution on 7 May WORKED. I can sleep again. Thank you so much

  • Super !!! Hope you slept well…

  • Hi,

    I was wondering if you could help me out: I tried your solution to remove the grey box… but it doesn’t work! I added a new ”Bienvenue” category, I added a new article named ”Bienvenue” with an image and a little text of welcoming and I clicked on ”Show the set featured image on single posts” and I chose the category ”Bienvenue”. Result? Nothing changed!

    I also changed all my other articles so they could be under the category Bienvenue: no results either! Help me please!

  • You can see by yourself:


  • You probably inserted an image the normal way instead of setting a featured image:

    See here too for other details on Structure:

    Introduction to the Structure theme

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