My site not getting traffic from google

  • I have started a blog more than 9 months back. It is I have been writing good content and utilizing social media to an extent. Now my blog ranked PR-2 in Dec-13 PR update. However I am getting zero traffic from google search engine. I am getting few visitors from other blogs which are less than 100 per day. I am doing the following
    1) Effectively put title tages
    2) Using SEO techniques and avoiding too many keyword in the article
    3) Using google keyword planner and choosing appropriate keywords which are ranking well in search engine
    4) Posting links on social media sites like, and googleplus.
    5) commenting regularly niche blogs in business ideas area.

    I still do not know where I am making mistakes. Can someone help me how can I get traffic from search engines ? As indicated above, I am getting zero traffic from search engine now.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

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