My site isnt showing up

  • My blog has been running for a couple weeks with numerous posts. Yet when you try to go to my blog, none of my posts show up. I am not understanding this Yes
    Correct account: Yes

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hey there! It looks like you somehow edited your front page to remove the posts section.

    You could edit that page to put it back:

    But, can I make a recommendation?

    Start here:

    Choose a Blog layout you like. Then edit the page (be sure to swap out the images and text if your layout has that — just click on an image and choose “Replace Image”). Once it’s as you like it, publish that page (title can be the title of your site, or New Home Page, or whatever). And then, you’ll just to select that as the front page of your site.

    Head to My Site > Customize > Front Page, and you’ll find your new page there. Select that, save your changes, and then all of your posts will show up nicely on the site!

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