My site is not working!

  • My site’s domain is
    but it doesnt work at the moment, i dont know why it isn’t working.
    Please check it out, i bought a theme as well, and really need to arrange my site as soon as possible.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Your webhost is Godaddy so you will need to contact their Support.
    Only they can fix the error that you have on the sie.


  • Hello, i bought my domain on Godaddy, but i dont know why i can’t see that domain at the setting page on wordpress. I can only arrange the domain, even if i bought the custom domain. How can i apply that on wordpress? Please reply to me about that. Thank you.

  • And also i would like to ask you how i can install the theme which i bought. I tried to install that by downloading plugins, but it made problems so i couldn’t access my page so i got helped from the hosting support team on Godaddy. Please check that out. My domain is I will wait for the response. thanks.

  • Hi there,

    Your site is not on, but is using the self-hosted software, which is something completely different. We can’t help with self-hosted sites here, as your site has no connection whatsoever to our systems on

    For help with connecting your domain to your site you need to contact GoDaddy support.

    For help with the WordPress software, you can ask here:

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