My site

  • The site isn’t working properly. I have used WordPress many times butI have never had these problems. 1. The typing is difficult and very slow. 2. My second last published post did not contain my photos. 3. The last post has not been sent to my followers even though I have published it. Can you fix these problems for me? Thanks Yes
    Correct account: Yes

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi @fcanals2015,

    If you’re not seeing updates you’ve made to your site when you visit it, you may need to clear your browser cache instead. Instructions for clearing your browser:

    Hope that helps. Please let us know if that works for you.

  • Hi there,

    My second last published post did not contain my photos

    I’m not sure what you mean by “second last” you are referring to this blog post, the one you published before your most recent one?

    I visited that post and I see images on it, but if I’m not in the right place can you share a link to the post so we can take a closer look at that one instead?

    The last post has not been sent to my followers even though I have published it

    Do you have an email address or two you would like us to check on so we can confirm delivery? I see that you invited quite a few people to subscribe to but it is not clear if everyone has accepted their invite or not. Happy to take a closer look if you can provide more info.

    The typing is difficult and very slow.

    Can you visit this page and let us know what you see for “Operating System” and “Web Browser”?

    This will give us some extra troubleshooting info about your computer. Thanks!

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