My posts not appearing in reader under tag topics

  • Hello,
    I don’t see my blog posts appearing in the reader when I search by topic (obviously I am looking at topics that I have tagged my post). This has been the case for a month a two and I thought it might be a glitch in the system so I’m only now following it up.

    It happened once before, a year or so ago, and in that case it took a request for help here to fix the issue.

    I understand that too many tags and unrelated tags will cause posts to not appear, but I do endeavour to use them correctly (15 max and on topic) so I don’t think this is the issue.

    Any help or advice will be happily received. Thank you!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there!

    Would you be able to give me some examples of posts and the tags that weren’t showing up in the Reader? I had a search of my own, but was able to view your posts in the Reader. Here’s some examples:

    If you can give me some specific examples, we can take a deeper look into what’s going on.

  • Hi siobhy ,

    I really appreciate you looking into this for me, thank you.

    The Travel At Home tag is the simplest to look at, as you’ve done, but it’s the same with all tags that I look at: my posts do not appear to me in the feed under any of the tags I have given them.

    So if I click on “Travel At Home” I don’t see what appears on the link you have attached, I see this (I wonder if it will work):

    And only one of my posts appears, the one with the books and classic literature. (Why does your link have a 2 in it…?)

    I’m using an iPad and most recently I have been using the WP app to post, in case these details make any difference. However, I see the same issue when I view the reader using either the app or safari.

  • Hi there.

    And only one of my posts appears, the one with the books and classic literature. (Why does your link have a 2 in it…?)

    The slug for that category on your site has the 2 on the end of it. You can check this by searching Posts > Categories in WP Admin:

    You’ll see that the slug is ‘travel-at-home-2,’ which is why the posts aren’t showing up when you search the Reader for ‘travel-at-home.’

    The reason that the ‘-2’ is showing up at the end of the slug is that you have a ‘travel-at-home’ tag. If you search Posts > Tags in WP Admin, you can see this for yourself:

    It’s currently not possible for tags and categories to share the same slug, which is why the ‘-2’ was automatically added to the end of your ‘travel-at-home’ category when you added it.

    If you’d like to have ‘travel-at-home’ as a category, rather than a tag, you can use our Tag > Category converter:

    Organize Posts with Tags

    Hope that helps out! Please do let me know if you have extra questions around that.

  • Hi Siobhyb,

    You are wonderful for spending time on this for me.

    I see that the one post of mine that appears when I have searched is one that I have tagged travel-at-home AS WELL as giving it that category, so that clears that up. Very interesting and I’ll have to think about how to approach it.

    Before I saw your recent reply I was mucking around with some “obscure” tags of mine (easier to browse the topics) and hunting for them again and they appear where I hope they will be.

    So it seems it is my assumption that my categories will act as tags that has been the problem. (I suspected it was either my error or me being bananas: it’s both!).

    Bit annoying but it’s so great to have a workable explanation. Thanks again, I appreciate how many requests for help you receive every five seconds.


  • Hi Michelle.

    I’m glad I was able to help clear things up. If you have any extra questions, I’ll be happy to help out further. Just let me know. :)

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