My postings stopped showing up in reader when I publish them.

  • I’ve moved to self-hosted and my blog won’t publish in reader
    Blog url:

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi,

    Did you add the feed of your self–hosted blog with the Edit List link next to Blogs I Follow?

    If so, what’s the site title and URL of your self–hosted blog? (I’ll be happy to take a look.)

  • Um, not sure what you mean. I clicked “edit list” and put in my URL and it just made it so I’m now following my own blog. My weekly posting used to show up immediately after I published it in the reader list under the categories I listed. Now, it doesn’t show. This started when I moved from to so that I could accommodate a Paypal plugin on my site.

    My site is: and my blog title is “The Pharisee in Me.”

  • I clicked “edit list” and put in my URL and it just made it so I’m now following my own blog.

    Yes, that’s correct.

    Thanks for confirming your blog URL and the site title. There appears to be an error with processing the feed from our end. While I can’t give a time frame, we’ll look into this and reply to this forum thread with updates as I hear from our developers.

  • A week later, and again, today’s post is still not publishing in Reader. Please help with this!

  • @willowfeller, where in the Reader are you looking for your posts? When you move away from your posts will no longer display in the Topic areas. They can only show up in the Blogs I Follow filter of the Reader.

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