My post is not showing up in the wordpress "explore tag" section

  • I was able to resolve my previous issue (somehow the time code was backdated). However, even though my post is now showing up on my site, it did not show up in the wordpress tag reader. I’m concerned that my new post won’t get the profile that it usually does without being included under the tags that I used. Is there a delay? Can I expect my post to be profiled later or will this one just be missed?

    Can someone please advise?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • I should also add that I’m wondering if my next posts will be included under the tags or if this issue will continue. I’m hoping I didn’t get “flagged” for changing my publish date to the correct one. I have no ide why it was backdated initially.

    Thank you!

  • All reasons for non-appearance of posts on Topics pages can be found here >
    The combined total of categories and tags on any post must not exceed 15 or it will not display on Categories and Tags pages and in the WordPress.COM Reader.

    If you have assigned a combined total that exceeds 15 relevant Categories/Tags to your posts, you need to edit and delete. After removal of the excess categories and/or tags note it may take several days for your posts to begin displaying there.

    You are are inadvertently spamdexing AKA tag spamming, you ought to be more concerned about your posts not appearing and being well ranked on Google and Bing SERPS (search results pages) than not appearing on the Topics pages because it’s search engines that send a significant flow of traffic to blogs and they can choose to bury your content where the sun don’t shine for that.

    The rule of thumb is to assign to your posts the least, not the most, combined number of only relevant categories and tags that accurately describe the individual post content.

    For tips on tagging see >

    If none of those reasons for non-appearance apply type modlook into the sidebar tags on this thread for Staff help. How do I get a Moderator/Staff reply for my question? Then please subscribe to this thread so you are notified when they respond. To subscribe look in the sidebar of this thread, find the subscribe to topics link and click it.

  • Thank you! I had 14 tags on my latest fitness post (which I’ve always used up until this point) and my posts always displayed in the “reader” before. I’m not sure what I did to make it not work this time.

    I appreciate your feedback for next time though. I am definitely going to decrease my tags going forward. Hopefully my posts don’t get buried for my inadvertent bad behaviour! Lol.

  • I’ve requested a mod to review this concern because I published a new post today and it also didn’t show up in the wordpress reader. I didn’t use anywhere near 15 tags and I carefully checked the publish date and time.

    Is this going to be ongoing for me? When can I expect my posts to show up in the reader again?

  • Hi again,
    Cute dog! What soulful eyes and having a birthday on National Dog Day is very cool.

    I have 3 dogs and one is a chick magnet referred to as the King of Cute

    re: please be patient while waiting for Staff to respond.

    I notice you used the same keyword as both as a category and as a tags That’s spamdexing ie. tag spamming and you need to edit and delete one or the other. For assigning categories and tags tips see here

  • No problem! I only added the tag today, I just wasn’t sure if I needed to post again to let someone know…I seem to be struggling with this tag stuff!

    Gah! I was trying to be so careful but I missed that. I deleted the tag but left the category. I am going to have to review my tags very carefully before posting…which I thought I did, lol.

    It’s funny that sometimes it works even if I mess up the tags by accident and other times (just lately), it doesn’t. I can’t figure it out so I just wanted to see if I had been “flagged” as a bad poster…because that would be the worst! I’m not trying to be at all.

    Poms are actually the only small dogs that I like…good choice :D very cute as well.

  • [off-topic] I have owned and trained many dogs and horses too, but when it comes to the small and beautiful ones with outstanding temperaments, Poms and Arabians are my first choices – hands down. [/off-topic]

  • Looks like you got caught in the spam catcher by mistake.

    I’ve sorted it out for you. You should be seeing your posts in the tag search now.

  • Thank you so much for your help! Much appreciated.

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