My pictures are not displaying

  • My pictures are not displaying on my computer, tablet or cell phone app. This started happening yesterday. I have been getting comments from my readers about them not seeing my photos as well. I am making the photos small (30% size). Please help.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Please consult the theme description page for your theme and note all requirements for featured image set up and display
    The maximum width of single post featured images is 800.

  • Thanks I will check that out. They are displaying in my media library either – they aren’t gone, just not showing up.

  • When it comes to featured images respecting dimensions defined in the theme are critical to display.

  • AutoFocus – detailed theme description

    AutoFocus’ prominent single post featured images, which when set manually are placed front and center, above your post’s title and content. The maximum width of single post featured images is 800.
    If you don’t see the Featured Image module on your Add New or Edit Post page, please make sure you’ve selected Featured Image in your Screen Options.

    AutoFocus responds to not only single image posts but also full galleries. If you would prefer to forego a large featured image above your post content and instead showcase an entire set of photos then simply insert a gallery into your post without manually setting a featured image.

    The main page and archive pages on Autofocus do not rely on featured images. Featured images have to be set manually to each post. Each post on the main page and on category/archive pages will display a regularly inserted image (provided the image had been uploaded via the Add Media button of that post).

    The only difference is when you view a single complete post: regular image shows below the post title, max width 590px, featured image shows above the post title, max width 800px.


  • Thanks for the detailed response. Im not sure I understand what you are telling me though. I am not very blog savvy :( Are you saying that my images are too large/big? I have been uploading my pictures to my posts for the last two weeks the exact same way with no issues until yesterday – when my pictures wont show up. I dont think I have changed anything and it feels like maybe it is an issue with the blog – but I am not expert.

    I typically uploaded via the Add Media button (like a picture of a photo) and upload a collage of several photos together – so it is only one image. Is this not the correct way to do it? From your message above it looks like I did it correctly.

  • I’m sorry but I have to log out, eat and get to a rehearsal. Either another Volunteer or Staff will continue to help you here.

  • I have been receiving a Error message recently when attempting to insert an image when using my iPad. I have made use of this method, and recently have found it quite convenient.

    Please help if experiencing similar issues

  • @shannonmontreal
    That’s not at all in any way shape or form related to the issue in this thread. Please start your own thread by using this link and be sure to include the URL of your blog in it when you do

  • shannonmontreal – since your issue is unrelated to that of the original poster, could you please start a new thread? I don’t see any sites on this account, so please link to your site when you repost. Thanks.

  • ansmith4117 – I had a look at your site and I see the missing images on the homepage that you’re referring to:

    It looks like the images that aren’t being displayed are not “attached” to the posts in question, even though they were added to those posts.

    In WordPress language, an image becomes “attached” to the first post in which you upload it.

    I’ve reattached a couple of images to the October 16 and 17 posts so you can see how it looks once fixed, and I’ve made a screencast so you can see how to fix the rest:

    Here are the steps in text format as well:

    1 – Go to your Media Library and switch to List view from grid view if you need to. (I’ve already done this for you.)
    2 – Find the missing image you want to reattach
    3 – Click the “Attach” link next to the image
    4 – Select the post to which you want to attach the image

    Let me know if you have any trouble reattaching the images.

    If you have this problem with your next post, please let me know the exact steps you took, and in which editor you took them: the Classic editor at wp-admin, or the new editor at We’ll do further troubleshooting if we need to if it happens again. Thanks!

  • Thanks, your explanation was much more clear for me to understand. The issue that I am having is that when I look at my blog all of my pictures are little bity photo icons (like the photo wont download). So when I try to go into the gallery to attach the photos to the posts like you suggested above, I cannot actually see what the picture is to know where to attach it. Does that make sense to you? I took some screen shots to share with you what I am talking about, but I dont think I can upload them to this forum. My internet connection is fast so I know it is not that I am not connected or the speed of the connection… I just cant figure this out.

  • Thanks, your explanation was much more clear for me to understand.

    Glad to hear that. :-)

    I took some screen shots to share with you what I am talking about, but I dont think I can upload them to this forum.

    Feel free to upload them in your Media Library and I’ll be able to see them there. Let me know when that’s done and I’ll take a look.

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