My Photos in my Latest Blog Post do not Enlarge with a Left Click

  • I posted a blog post, uploaded all my photos to my Media section and inserted them in my post, but when I published the post, I see now that the photos cannot be enlarged by a single left-click. How can I get this fixed? All my other blog posts you can enlarge the photos.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • For using the new editor for this see the instructions Staff ie. supernovia provided here

  • Don’t get it, timetheif. I’ve already published the post. When I pull up my Media section, I don’t see any of the following instructions:

    Click the media icon
    Upload an image
    On the right, scroll down to Attachment Display Settings
    Under “Link To” choose “Media File”
    Insert into post

    Am I going to have to delete ALL my photos, then reload them all with these instructions? Tell me this isn’t true. I tried deleting a photo and re-uploading it, but there is nothing “on the right” at all in the Media window, when selecting the photo. Does this have to be down when I first upload an image?? That would mean deleting ALL my uploaded photos, then re-uploading them all?? Egad.

  • Okay, I also tried supernovia’s suggestions below:

    – Click the image icon to add the image

    – Click the image

    – Click the link icon* This is where I am confused – there is no “link icon”. I have these choices: “Add New” or “Add Via URL” buttons when I am brought to the Media Library where I’ve uploaded all my photos I want to use for this post. On each photo is a pencil (edit) icon. If I click on that, there is nothing indicating “link”. Help.

    – You’ll get the image URL; you can change that if needed

    – Click Add Link

  • Hey there,

    I personally make my images clickable by going through the classic editor and linking the image to the media file. For example, for your image here, all you need to do is change the link to from none to media file in the drop-down box. What’s nice is that once you do that once, WordPress will remember that setting and do that for all pictures that you upload moving forward.

    For more information on attachment display settings, please visit our support page:

    Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks!

  • you need to do is change the link to from none to media file in the drop-down box.

    What drop down box? I don’t see any drop down box anywhere. When I go to my last post, click on Edit (exactly as you’re linked above, using the old, Classic Editor page), there is no drop down box anywhere. Where do I find that? I’ve left clicked once on my first photo to select it, but there is no drop down box. I do get a pop up bubble above the photo that allows me to align left, right, center or no alignment. And, there is a pencil “Edit” icon in the bubble as well, but when I click on that icon to edit the photo, I get an, “Image Details” screen that allows me to add a caption, change the name of the photo, change alignment again, and then change some image attributes, such as title attribute, image CSS class, image border, image margins, and then open link in new tab, link rel, and lastly, link css class. No drop down box anywhere on the Edit screen that I can find. Can you show me a screen cap of where I’m supposed to be looking for this drop down box?? Thanks for trying to help me. Normally, I am not this helpless, which is why I am very frustrated.

  • Hey!

    What drop down box? I don’t see any drop down box anywhere.

    While editing a post under your dashboard, you should be able to click the pencil icon on an image to get to the image settings. While in image settings, you should see this section which contains a dropdown box that allows you to change your image attachment from none to media file.

    The support page here provides information on the display settings page.

    Let me know if you have any questions.


  • Oh. My. Gosh. I am losing my mind. Thank you for your SUPREME patience, Darnell. Egad. This is how I feel when I talk to some of my Yahoo Groups list members who ask what I think are the dumbest questions. I found it thanks to your patience. It might as well have been painted with a big red bullseye, it was right in front of me on the image edit screen (pencil icon). Done, and I thank you profusely.

  • Haha! No problem at all. It happens to me quite a bit and I work here =)

  • Thanks, Darnell, for trying to make me feel better :-) I am actually going to take a course on WP in a couple of weeks. I actually really like the product, just wished I could really get it under my belt. Going to make more of an effort with this class for sure!

  • What course are you taking? is always a good, free place to start!

  • It’s a very basic community ed class here in my city called, “Fast & Easy WordPress”. So, hoping I can skip past the basic parts, to get a bit more in-depth if possible. It’s only a 4 hour class, but it’s an opportunity to be in front of someone who sets up web sites (including WP free and for fee sites for clients, and assisted his clients in maintaining their WP sites.)

  • Nice! The WordPress community is huge and is a great way to learn everything you need to create a nice site/blog. Well, if you have any questions – feel free to let me know!

    Happy blogging!

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