My photos being deleted

  • I have edited my last post on the editing page. And all of my photos appear on my edited page. But when I view my edited post on the ‘View post’ Page some of the photos are missing. The description below the photo remains…. under a blank box. This has happened several times. I just re added 37 photos that were not appearing properly. And now other photos are going ‘missing’…..but the description under the photo remains. What is going on? And how do I get to stop this maddness?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there, is there a post or page published on your site where this is happening right now that we can look at?

    Also, since your posts are very image heavy (lots of images) I would suggest going to Settings > Reading and set your pages to show at most 3 posts. I might further suggest the possibility of using the Read More tag so that your site loads faster. I just ran a Google Page Speed test on your site and it scored a 20 out of 100. With a score that low, the search engines might penalize your site in their indexes and give you a much lower Page Rank.

    Another thing I see on your site is that you are uploading very large images that have not been optimized for the web. One of the images I checked is 2.8MB in file size and 3648 × 2736 pixels. Given the bulk of people these days are on laptops and tablets, I would suggest that you consider resizing your images before uploading them to a size of 1024px x 768px or somewhere close to that with a file size of around 150k. There are very few people out there that have monitors over 1600px in width. We have a support page on Optimizing Images that I would suggest you take a look at.

    With so many images in each post, it might be that the above suggestions would cure the issue with images not showing up.

  • Oh yeah, and all the above would greatly improve your Google Page Speed score.

  • An answer to your first question ….Yes. Check my …Vietnam post…. Several more photos have now gone missing. Everytime I look at the post several more photos disappear.

  • I do see a couple of missing photos on that page. One of the images I see missing is img_00035.jpg. I’m wondering if there is an extra “0” in that file url in your page as I’m only seeing 4 numbers in all the images in your media library, things like img_0035, and I’m seeing 9 images with that file name.

    I’m also noticing a number of places where there is missalignment between the images.

    You know, have you thought about using the WordPress Gallery feature for your images in your posts? I took the liberty of creating a draft post and put in some of your images in a tiled mosaic gallery. It is not public and you can delete it at any time. I named it “draft gallery post by thesacredpath” and you can find it at Posts > All Posts in your dashboard. Click on the preview button and take a look at it. I put in a little text from one of your posts above the gallery just for demonstration purposes. If you hover over the images you will see your captions. If you click on one of the images, it will activate the image carousel where people can then look at all of your amazing photos by simply clicking the back or forward arrows on the carousel. I think it makes for a better user experience on your site and will align all your photos nicely. There are a number of configurations for the photo galleries and you can read more about them here:

  • Thank you for the above tips. I ‘m sure they will help me on my next post. But I am still having photos uploaded in my ‘edit page’ which display properly….NOT show up on my ‘view post’ page. On my ‘view post’ page. The descriptions show up properly…under a blank box that should show the photo. But the photo is missing. Everytime I delete the missing photo and reload the photo….some other photo goes missing. How can I correct this before I go completely mad?
    The post in question…is Vietnam.

  • ?????????????????????????????????? Where is my help? I have been plagued by problems on this last (Vietnam) post. I have explained the problem several times. But as of yet I have received No answers on how to correct my ‘missing photos’ problem. PLEASE give me a solution to this so I can finish post. I have been working on these posts for two months and I desperately want to finish the post and get on to other things.

  • @rondo0709, I do not see that you have taken any of the suggestions I gave you about your site. On the missing images on your Vietnamese post I’m pretty sure you have some incorrect URLs on them. The URL I’m seeing on one is:

    should it possibly be:
    with one less 0 in the image file name?

    I see another with this URL:
    and I’m not seeing any URLs or file names in your entire media library with 5 digits after the img_

    I’m seeing one more image with 5 digits after the img_ . Given that all of your images in your media library only have 4 digits after the img_ I can’t help but think the URL is wrong.

    How are you inserting your images into your posts? Are you inserting them with the Add Media button in the post editor? How are you uploading the image, and how many at one time are you uploading?

  • Thank you for getting back to me.
    All of my photos are taken straight from my ‘removable disk’ which came right out of my camera. The removable disk was then plugged into my desktop. And I am using the ‘add media’ button to do that. So I am not mistyping any of my numbers for my photographs. The photos are all being uploaded using the numbers imbedded in my removable disk. All of my photos were added to the ‘edit post’ page in the same way. I do not type in anything, I simply highlight the # photo from my removable disk I want to add, and it is then placed onto my ‘edit page’. And I usually add 5 photos at a time. Although, in truth, I sometimes add up to 7 photos. And after each session I usually check the ‘view post’ page and everything seems to have gone well. That is until the next day, when a few photos that had previously displayed properly…then go missing.

    Some of this doesn’t make any sense to me. Eg. My photos are uploaded fine in my ‘edit’ post and they then appear on my ‘view post’ page. The next day I continue to add more photos but when I check to see if they uploaded properly, a few photos that had been view properly the day before….are now missing the photo….but the description remains. Why would a photo along with the description display properly, and then have the photo disappear and have the description remain? Worse yet, After I reload the missing photo…..why would some other photos that had previously been viewed correctly……disappear? What am I doing wrong?

    And you are correct , the extra 0 in your first example does not produce a photo. But I’m not convinced that is the problem. For instance, if the photo appears correctly in the ‘view post’ why would it then disappear a day or two latter? Am I somehow adding an extra 0 when I am am editing another part of the post?

    I assure you I am not trying to sabotage my own post. If I am doing something wrong I want to correct that problem immediately.
    I do appreciate you looking into this. This is really frustrating for me. All I want to do is correct any mistakes I am making and finish my post.
    And any suggestions from you on how to do that would be greatly appreciated.

    And as long as we are here there is one other problem. On my ‘view post’ page about mid way down the photo section you will see a photo of a canon. Shortly after that off to the left you will see the words …..
    “I wonder if she knows she is moving around town on a nearly flat tire?” This appears twice. But it is not associated with any photo. I have tried to delete that description as it WAS a discription under a photo….but that photo was one that did not display properly. So I deleted the photo. So now that photo is gone….but I can’t seem to delete the description from that photo. And that is because the description…..does not appear on my ‘edit page’…..hence I can’t seem to delete it.
    Believe me, I am trying to be careful with my approach to this blog…..but I am baffled by these problems.
    Please educate me enough to correct these problems and I will put you on my Christmas list.
    Thank you in advance for your understanding and your kindness.

  • Please disregard this problem:

    And as long as we are here there is one other problem. On my ‘view post’ page about mid way down the photo section you will see a photo of a canon. Shortly after that off to the left you will see the words …..
    “I wonder if she knows she is moving around town on a nearly flat tire?” This appears twice. But it is not associated with any photo. I have tried to delete that description as it WAS a discription under a photo….but that photo was one that did not display properly. So I deleted the photo. So now that photo is gone….but I can’t seem to delete the description from that photo. And that is because the description…..does not appear on my ‘edit page’…..hence I can’t seem to delete it.

    It did appear of the ‘edit page’ …but it was located about 50 photos above….
    Am I causing these problems by misusing…. spacing?

  • Please regard this problem as closed. I have no idea what I was doing wrong, but after 2 months of writing this simple blog it is now finished. I reloaded ‘lost’ photos 18-27 times until I just gave up and deleted the photos from my blog. And I worked on my ‘spacing’ problems for 18 days before I was given a simple solution to the problem. Perhaps you could use this information to help others in the future.
    Thanks for your assistance.

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