my navigatio widget is not working because in menus we do not have cateory

  • widget navigation bar is not giving the titles of posts so how to go to different posts

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there!

    I’m not sure I understand exactly what you’re trying to achieve. I can see your menu in the sidebar displaying titles of particular posts. Can you tell me more details about the issue?

    Also, remember that with your plan you can access Live Chat 24/7 from

  • @staff-mckluskey,

    my navigatio[n] widget is not working because in menus we do not have cate[g]ory

    It sounds like she wants to include links to category pages in the menu.

    Live Chat might be the best option here, but I want to point out some issues on the site that I discovered yesterday. The page displays some automatically generated widgets, and two of them indicate problems as follows:

    1. The category pages listed under “Most Used Categories” indicate that categories have been assigned to some posts. However, each of the category pages listed displays as a blank page. Also, none of the posts that I’ve checked has categories in the meta data.

    2. Each of the dozens of tags in the tag cloud are incorrectly formed. They have URLs such as, with the site URL appearing twice in each URL.

    I also found that in the meta data of single posts, typically most if not all of the tags are not linked to the corresponding tag archive pages. In some cases, the dates aren’t linked either.

  • is incorrectly formed”

  • Hi there,

    If the menu in the sidebar is not listing all your posts, it’s because you’ve not added all your posts to the menu. Menus are meant to be links to fixed, permanent content on your site, typically published as pages, and do not update automatically when new content is published. That means every time you publish a new post or page that you want listed in the menu, you need also edit your menu and manually add the post or page you want to include.


    That said, please note that menus are not intended to be used as an index of all posts published on your site. As I said above, menus are for pages, and other permanent content. If you add all your posts to a menu, it will eventually break your site once that menu gets too long.

    Rather use the Latest Posts, or the Top Posts And Pages widget, to highlight a limited number of your posts in the sidebar.

    Top Posts & Pages Widget

    And then you can create an index Page on your site, and use the archive shortcode on that page to create a list of all published posts that will automatically update each time you publish new posts.

  • Each of the dozens of tags in the tag cloud are incorrectly formed.

    I meant to say that “Each of the dozens of links in the tag cloud seem to be incorrectly formed,” that is, the links to the corresponding tag archives pages. Each of the tag archives pages has a peculiar URL with the site URL appearing in it twice, and with three generations of slugs so that each tag itself seems to refer to a nonexistent parent and a grandparent tag.

  • Hello again sunda10 –

    I’ve had a look through the account and don’t see where a live chat session has occurred. Please remember that is the fastest way to get help with your questions. As part of your business plan it is available to you 24/7 via


    musicdoc1 –

    Thanks for looking in to this. I am taking a look now to see why the slugs appear that way. It could be that there’s a plugin installed on the site messing with things.

  • Please try going to Settings -> Permalinks and correcting the slug there. Let me know if that works.

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