My LINKS Button Stopped Working

  • I was trying to add a link to another site, so, like usual I highlighted the desure text, but when I clicked on the LINKS button, the LINKS screen didn’t show up. Nothing happened, basically. So, just for the hell of it, I went to another post, to see if it was a problem that extended to the entire blog, and sure enough it was. I tried to add a link in that new post and the same thing happened. The LINKS screen simply refuses to activate.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Weird, I just tried breaking a link, and that worked fine, but I just can’t add one.

  • There are issues with the editor since they did the upgrade here, and my suggestion is to switch to the HTML tab and then create the link there using the link button in the HTML tab.

    Staff is working on the problem but no one knows when it will be fixed. It mostly seems to affect IE7 and 8 users.

  • HTML tab? Is that before you toggle into fullscreen mode for editing a post? If it is, I just tried it, and when I hit Save Link, nothing happened. It wouldn’t save the link.

  • Then you will probably have to write them in HTML in the HTML tab.

    <a href="url">Link text</a>

    Or install Firefox temporarily and use that with WordPress till staff get the bugs worked out.

  • All that stuff is beyond me, I think, I’m just gonna have to wait until WordPress fixes it. Thanks for the attempted help, anyhow.

  • You’re welcome, and sorry I don’t have a magic wand or I would certainly be waving it.

  • I’m glad to see this because I am having identical same trouble and it’s very frustrating. I use a lot of links in my Horse Racing blogs, so this morning switching back and forth from Visual and HTML was a pain. Another problem I’m having is when I write in HTML ( you have to, Visual flips every second saving drafts ) now when I try to toggle back from full screen and go back to HTML.

    I get a Black Page with other blogs for editing????????? Instead of just going back to HTML so I can Preview and Publish. Is this also a part of the same problem in Editor?

    This has been going on for about a week. Really makes it difficult to Blog at all. But I understand the issues at hand, guess we just have to have patience. But please let me know if the latter is also a problem with the upgrade.

    There has been times where it won’t go back at all and wipes out everything you’ve written. It doesn’t seen to save a draft in Visual. I’ve learned to copy whole blog written in Visual before I attempt to toggle back. But that’s a pain because it wipes out all your links when you paste them in new editor. There have been times where it’s taken me two hours worth of writing only to have it all disappear before your eyes trying to go back from HTML to Visual. More than frustrating, Infuriating.

  • And I had that backwards at beginning of last post. You have to write in VISUAL because HTML flip every second saving drafts. Sorry for the mistake.

    I just hope WordPress can fix all. Link Button, switching back to HTML without losing everything ( it seems to freeze up ) and going back to HTML without seeing a black page.

  • Try using Windows Live Writer – install on your PC and write the Post then upload it to your site – then you are not logged onto your site – and you can save drafts on your PC if you are interrupted in the middle of a Post. There are other programs for Mac’s but I am not familiar with them.

  • Oh — So I am not the only one. Mine works — the link window looks different — but I can’t highlight them in colors like I used to. I even looked at the html code to see if that was the problem but it looks the same. Also — I use Firefox so it’s not just limited to IE users. And now some of my widgets have moved to the bottom of the page. All of this just now. (I posted earlier in the week and didn’t have this problem)

    I, too, am just gonna call it a day and see if wordpress can fix it bc I’m not a coder — which is why I love using wordpress.


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