My favicon appears in tabs but not on my Bookmarks Toolbar

  • My favicon appears in tabs but not on my “Bookmarks Toolbar”, instead I get the WordPress favicon.

    Is this just a Firefox thing? When I go to my website in Safari and go to bookmarks it’s there, however Safari doesn’t have a toolbar option (at least not that I know of). Either way, it appears to show up in bookmarks in Safari but not on bookmarks “Toolbar”on Firefox.

    When I’ve searched for the solution all I get are answers for problems that are similar but NOT this specific problem. What’s the solution?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    Can you confirm for me which website you’re speaking of? hasn’t been updated since 2018, is completely empty, and doesn’t have a favicon/site icon set.

    Meanwhile, I can tell you that I use Firefox, and all my bookmarks correctly show the favicons of the respective sites I have bookmarked, so it’s not a case of Firefox behaving differently than other browsers.

    But browsers do cache favicons, so if you changed it fairly recently it’s possible that it just hasn’t updated everywhere the browser uses it yet. For bookmarks specifically I’ve noticed in the past that their favicons only update after you visit that site by clicking on the particular bookmark, so you could try that.

  • Oh gosh, sorry. The website is

    Thank you for looking at this btw!

    So, I did change the favicon yesterday. Should it be working by now? Or do you think maybe I need to wait a bit longer?

  • Hey there,

    Is it working for you now on your end? If not, you can try clearing your various caches to see if that helps the Favicon appear.

    I noticed that the site is not hosted with us here at, so your best bet is to check out the dotorg forums and ask for assistance with this issue there as well:

    Hope this helps.

  • Awesome! Thank you! I’ll give it a try!

  • Okay, so installed WP Super Cache. I went ahead and turned caching on and then updated it’s status. Think I did that correctly. Sadly, Favicon doesn’t appear in “bookmarks”. I’ll check out that support forum you mentioned. Thank you!!

  • So my favicon issue still hasn’t been resolved. It appears in tabs. Does not appear in the bookmark I have for it. What appears instead is the WordPress favicon.

    Any new suggestions?

  • For what it’s worth, I’m seeing the favicon in both the Firefox browser tab and in bookmarks:

    With that said, since your site is not hosted with us, we’re not able to provide further suggestions here above and beyond what we’ve already given.

    I’d recommend double-checking your browser settings and if you still have trouble, reach out to the WordPress community for guidance:

  • Oh wow! Nice! Maybe it’s just my book mark.

    Also, I copy and pasted the URL of an article from my site on my phone and texted it to a friend. The title showed up nice and my favicon appeared with it in the link and it looked great!

    And then I sent that same article to two other people and it looked like a crappy url. No big title no favicon.

  • Hi there,

    As others have mentioned, because your site is hosted with another provider, our support tools do not give us access or the ability to help. We are able to assist with sites hosted with us directly on, but not your site on Hostgator.

    The good news though is that if you continue to have issues with your Favicon or some other question about your site, help is available here:

    Hope this helps point you in the right direction!

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