My domain name is not working!

  • I just registered this domain name with and I don’t have access to it! Maybe it’s because it is so soon after I purchased it but I would really like the site to work (obviously) since I paid the $25 and everything.
    I am new to WordPress so I would appreciate help on this topic!! Maybe I did something wrong, please let me know!


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • We get this question multiple times a day. Don’t worry, it always takes a day or even two for the domain name to settle down.

    Give us the exact URL (no “www” or anything: the exact domain) and we can test it for you. It resolves at different rates in different places, but should be working for everywhere in a day or two.

  • Note the result of clicking the username is: is no longer available.
    The authors have deleted this blog.

  • shoooot I registered a different one. I must have linked this forum to the wrong one. The name is

    it also gave me,

    Like I said, I’m new so I don’t really know what this all means yet. Thanks!

  • Never mind, it’s working now! Thanks! :)

  • Thanks for letting us know this issue is resolved. Here’s how to link your active blog to your username. Dashboard -> Users -> Personal Settings -> then scroll down to Account Details. Then scroll down to where it says ‘Website‘ select the URL for your primary blog and then save changes.

    Now every time you sign into the forum we can all click on your username and your blog will be linked to it. And every time you leave a comment on a blog your username can be likewise clicked and your blog can be instantly located.

    Happy blogging!

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