My comments on other blogs don’t appear

  • Hello.
    It started a few days ago, when i tried to submit a comment on an WP blog. In the comment I had a link included, and since then, all my comments on blogs don’t appear anymore. I talked to one of the owners of a blog, and he found my comments in SPAM. Why is that happening? And how can I solve it?

    Please, help!

  • Askimet is running wild. This anti-spam feature has gone to the dogs and the management of the company have been ignoring their problems for months. And ours. Unless a Moderator or Key Master enters this thread within a few hours and write that they will take care of it, you will have to write WP an email or submit a feedback.

  • You can also tell your blog owners to make sure they mark you as “not spam” to also tell Akismet that you are in fact not a spammer. That is the first thing you should do. As for the fact that you are getting spammed, I believe the address is to send in a request. Reference “specific” information if you can including every single thing you know including your email address, the name, the content of the comment, etc.


  • Well, service is deteriorating. Yesterday a Key Master looked into it.

  • Thank you all for suppor.
    I used your links, contacted WP and Akismet and now I just hope and wait for the problem (I now see there are a loooot of ppl with the same complain) to get solved.

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