My comments aren’t appearing

  • I’ve posted comments on two wordpress sites today (one of which is my own) and neither have shown up. Yet when I go to another computer and post a comment they do! I’m confused!

  • solved one issue – I am apparently Spam – on my own blog! hmmm!

  • Mark yourself as not spam. If it goes on for awhile, send in feedback to staff. Make sure to include links to comments that were marked as spam and ones that weren’t marked as spam.

    The exact algorithms Akismet uses to distinguish between spam and ham are a mystery to the end users (and should stay that way to prevent spammers from gaming the system).

  • Curious about this. From teh computer that got you labeled as spam, please go to and get the ip address. Also please provide a link to the comment that got labeled as such.

    Without seeing what is occuring, we can’t do anything to help.

  • I am having the same problem, I have been contacted by a friend saying she cannot leave a comment on my blog. I logged out and tried to leave a comment, it acts as if it has been accepted but it isn’t and it isnt showing as spam. I then logged in and tried to leave a comment, same thing happened.

  • correction it IS showing as spam! I despammed it but it is still logging anything from that ip as spam, including me.

  • De-spam them when you catch them, and hopefully Akismet will learn. Sometimes it doesn’t though, and that will require a staff intervention to fix. De-spam them this weekend and if it’s still happening on Monday then send a feedback with links to the post you commented on and all details.

    Until you know your comments go right through, don’t comment on other blogs, because those comments will be “held against you” ie will set back your quest to be de-spammed. Comment only on your own blog until the issue is fixed. That way you can just de-spam yourself.

  • Thanks, it’s only just started happening this weekend, I’ve no idea if its affecting more than just me and my friend who are in the same country our IPs are almost identical we have the same isp’s.

  • Unusual artifact affecting dashboard since 25 june.

  • forestneeds, that’s nice. Like your other post, we have no idea as to what you;re talkign about. :)

  • I have experienced the same this weekend – have tried to leave comments in the same blogs I have used to comment for quite some time, and it seems like my comments have been accepted, but they just disappear. I don’t think all my friends have suddenly decided to stop me from commenting :-)

  • solvt, can’t help you without details. Did you contact any of the sites to see what was occuring? Did you try commenting on your own blog to see where the comment goes? Did you read the thread that you post in?

  • And it’s happening for me too – making comments but they are not appearing. Several friends have said the same thing is happening to them too – see I see that in my dashboard there is no reference to the places I have commented on like there usually is – it’s like anything I’ve said has disappeared into thin air.

  • Read the whole thread: your comments are probably going into the Spam file. Comment on your own blog and check the Akismet spam file and see if the comment shows up there. If it does, follow the instructions above. If it doesn’t, wait an hour and check again. If it’s still not there, send a feedback including details such as the links to the posts you tried to comment on.

  • Hi. I’m currently experiencing the same problem at my blog. A friend contacted me saying that he could not leave a comment at my blog. He said he clicked the ‘submit’ button but didn’t see his comment appear. He submitted the comment another time and got a message which said “you’ve already submitted that” (or something like that). By the way, he lives in another country.

    However, another friend could submit her comment. She already submitted 2, in fact. I tried logging out to submit a comment, and it worked for me.

    For the comment options, I only ticked the box under “before a comment appears” which says: Comment author must fill out name and e-mail. The other 2 boxes are unticked.

    Could someone offer an explanation here? Hope I can sort this problem out. Thank you.

    Could anyone offer an explanation here?

  • Check and make sure the comments didn’t get dumped into Akismet (dashboard – comments – akismet spam).

    If they did, unspam them. Make sure to check back regularly or have your friend email you when she posts a comment.

  • I already checked spam, it says Akismet Spam (O). However, at the bottom, it says Akismet has caught 6 spam for you since you first installed it. But I don’t see anything, as in there aren’t any spams.

    I still do not know what is going on, and how to solve this problem.

  • OOPS! You missed the sticky post at the top of the forum

  • Thanks a lot timethief. I have another question to ask though. Can we view the spams? I can only see the amount. On the tab it says Akismet Spam (0) but the details said: Akismet has caught 8 spam for you since you first installed it.

    By the way, I check it every day.

    So in the future that person will not be able to post a comment at all?

  • The headers on all my blogs suddenly switched back to the default and all my comments disappeared. They are not in spam, they all still show up on the manage comments page but they don’t show up on the blogs! Does anyone have any idea what’s happening??

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