my browser

  • My browser is Safari. It always has been and I’ve never had a problem. For the last couple of weeks when I’ve wanted to blog and I’ve used Safari to get to my blog I get a message that it’s an unsupported browser and I can’t get in. I’ve frankly been too busy to question it, I’ve just used Chrome. But today I was using my mobile and I wanted to comment on a fellow blogger’s post and I had the same problem. Safari is a legitimate browser. Why am I having these problems? Why can’t I access WordPress with Safari all of a sudden?

    Site: Yes
    Correct account: Yes

  • This problem has been rapported by other people. Wait till a Staff member replies.

  • Howdy @fransiweinstein

    Out of curiosity, if you clear your Safari browser cache and cookies, does that allow you to proceed with working on your site?

    How to clear cache on your Mac

    How to clear cache on your Phone

    Thanks for the additional info!

  • So sorry, I got busy and forgot to respond. I didn’t, but this is interesting because I’m on Safari right now and this has worked. I will actually try to access my blog through Safari now. I will advise.

  • Yep, I just tried and it worked. Thank you to whoever addressed the problem and fixed it!

  • Well, I spoke a little too soon. I can still access my blog with Safari. But I just tried to access someone else’s blog and I got the “insecure browser” message.

  • Which version of Safari are you using? This will help you determine that:

  • I’m using Safari 12.1.2 and no amount of clearing cache is allowing me access to my blogsite.

  • Ok, that’s a bit older than we can support.

    Officially we can only support the current version of a browser and one version back, so that’s Safari 14 and 13.

    Are you able to update to the latest macOS? That will also get you the latest Safari.

  • I’m using 13.1.2. so I shouldn’t be having this problem, should I?

    My laptop’s a senior citizen and I think that’s probably the end of the line for me in terms of current versions.

  • Hm, you said 12.1.2 earlier. Is it definitely 13.1.2?

  • It wasn’t me who said 12.something, it was somebody else. I never said which version because I was never asked. As soon as you asked I answered.

  • Sorry to jump in an confuse things, fransiweinstein, but I’ve been having them same problem. Thank you for your reply, Macmanx. But “officially”? So WordPress CAN support an old version of Safari, but won’t. And I won’t upgrade to the new version of Mac OS because it won’t support my old version of Word. So there we are. Anyway, thanks for the info.

  • It wasn’t me who said 12.something, it was somebody else. I never said which version because I was never asked. As soon as you asked I answered.

    Sorry about that @fransiweinstein it got a bit confusing with someone else just jumping in.

    Is there any change with all Safari extensions switched off temporarily?

    So WordPress CAN support an old version of Safari, but won’t.

    No @marmcc that’s not the case here. The web is software, and web technology constantly improves, and we’re always looking to roll in those improvements.

    In order to support newer web technology, you do need to keep your browser up to date, just like how you’d need to keep macOS up to date to use the latest Microsoft Word.

  • no worries, but who are you having this conversation with. Someone is answering your, but I can’t see who it is. It is kind of confusing because I don’t know who is who or who to answer. Sorry, I’m happy to have a conversation but we seem to be several people talking at once.

  • I only had 1 extension and tried to shut it off and had trouble. Although right now I have been able to get to my blog and a couple of others belonging to bloggers I follow, using Safari. It seems to come and go. One minute it works and the next it doesn’t.

  • Hi there! @fransiweinstein!

    Thanks for the additional details. Intermittent issues like this are pretty harder for us to troubleshoot, especially when/if we aren’t able to replicate the issue on our end at all. But I understand that it’s not an ideal experience.

    You mentioned the following above:

    But I just tried to access someone else’s blog and I got the “insecure browser” message.

    Just for us to check, can you share the address of the blog that was giving you the trouble on Safari?

    Thanks for your patience while we look into this!

  • I honestly can’t remember, I’m so sorry. I had a notifications for a few blogs I follow plus I was trying to finish writing an article with a looming deadline. I will try to remember but right now I’m drawing a blank.

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