My Blog’s Invisible to Google

  • My blog is not showing up in Google, after having plenty of time to be indexed. I’ve been through all the instructions and FAQs at Google, and checked with several search engine consultants, none of whom can see a reason why my blog wouldn’t be indexed by Google. I’ve viewed it through Lynx (a text-only browser, which is roughly how Google sees your blog) and it appears to be fine. I have dozens of quality links from other sites to mine. But after more than 10 weeks, there’s no result at all in Google. The site is, aka, and is NOT entirely work safe. Does anyone see anything obvious that could be going on to make me invisible to Google?

  • There is nothing I see that is wrong. There are no setting that we would be using that would cause this and your privacy setting is good.
    Has your privacy setting always been the top option?

    I see you referenced in tag pages but not directly.
    But I don’t find you in Yahoo either.

    It’s over to the experts on search engines here I think ….

  • Ignore me – Mark beat me to it.

  • Thank you for the warning about not being work safe.

    It is strange. I’m showing your front page indexed by MSN although it was done back on the 13th of August.

    Folks not linking to your blog comes to mind but a quick check of Technorati shows that that isn’t true. Neither msn nor Google shows those inbound links.

    I ususally suggest working on better categorizing posts but yours look fine.

    You got a ton of broken image links in your posts by the way, just on the front page. I doubt that that would affect it though.


    Your account says you;ve been here for six months now. That is the age of this blog as well, right?

    edit: I do note that the old URL as a more recent cache date for the front page. (the 25th) When did you switch over URLs?

    reedit: The only inbound links I have for the old url are a couple of tag pages. And it’s not even the english ones….

  • I know the least, about tech stuff, of anyone, prolly anywhere. But: I do know two –no, three things.
    1. I had the same prob, on a blog.
    I copied your first address (–HAD to, the coma stopped it from being a link) into a fresh Google window and got zilch because: Google’s bot thing doesn’t understand BOTH–
    http: AND www.
    in Same blog address. It happened on first blog I ever created, but I was clueless How it happened or How to fix. Since it was on Google’s own Blogger dot com: I went to Google’s Analytics page, created an account, told it (off!). Both things still exist, somewhere, but once I removed: www
    it started indexing my blog’s pages. You can’t do that (–put Google Analytics) on a WP blog, but: WP and Google are linked (behind the screen!), so, eventually, Google’s bot will get the message.

    2. I copied, pasted: other address you listed
    and Clicked on “repeat the search with the omitted results included”
    and got: nine pages
    –so…why do you say Google isn’t indexing? It was last crawled: August 25, 2007

    3. Google & Co: do not like guns, any kind.
    An AdSense ad for guns -weapons -weaponary will not appear on blogs; they ask the world to FLAG, if one does land on a blog. Because of the gun photo –on your Home page, INside the address, Perhaps: Google’s bot ‘thinks’ you’re Trouble….
    You could: remove the handgun photo; make a drawing of a bullet –place After address;
    or: live with photo and without getting PageRank or Indexed further…..


  • I took a look but cannot explain it, either. Your robots.txt file and meta tags look in order. Wish I could help.

  • Thank you for all the helpful comments everyone… I am sorry to say that I am more confused than ever. To answer your question, drmiketemp, I dont think i’ve been here since February/March, so, not six months, more like 3-4. I believe I switched URLs about two months ago.

    The broken links come from a domain I just transferred where some files got nuked in the transfer. I think most of them are fixed now, but like you say, this shouldn’t be causing this problem. I got notified of a bunch of missing “alt” tags for images when I ran a verify on the XHTML, but it doesn’t seem like that should make the blog invisible, since I’ve NEVER used alt tags in all the sites I wrote from scratch in HTML and they got indexed so fast it made my head spin.

    As for that handgun image… weird, it is crime-noir comic book clip art. Does the Dick Tracy Tribute Page get blocked? Weird.

    Well, thank you for the helpful input everyone. If anything more occurs to you please do let me know. Meantime, I think am pretty much out of luck unless I leave WordPress, which I’m about to do since I don’t know how else to proceed. It makes me very sad.

    Thank you for your help, everyone!

  • ~thomasroche:
    I don’t speak the foreign language “Tech” –in the beginning, of the Google blog, didn’t know enough even How to phrase the questions, Nobody to ask, anyway–but my pleasure to share my experience. I thought, once, it would be nice to have blog in Google’s search engine, but thought SE was only for websites. –I thought that for Six long Months.

    Then one morning: yikes, every page –listed –and blog had a PageRank, of “1”! I was de-lited, stunned, confused, went looking for answers. I learned: Google system ‘re-arranges’ itself/its snapshot of the Internet Irregularly. Techies say: ‘Google re-ranking happens three times a year’ –as if it was in stone. It ain’t. The staff was probably ‘re-tooling’ it, while I was pounding away. I also learned: writer can “teach” the engine to “sit” (!), that is, force it to come take a look, every 24-hours, Consistently –IF it starts finding Something New each time it looks at the site. –Then it comes a-look’n Every day, so it doesn’t leave out/miss anything.

    -Possibility: write at least a few lines daily

    -Possibility: go grab a Fresh copy of the template
    (I did –many things had gotten screwed up, to the bot) –maybe you, WP had a heavy/ light ‘thumb’ the day you started with current template; something got left behind

    -Possibility: ordinary patience
    Do you Really Want to ‘re-set’ the clock by starting over, elsewhere? The bot will crawl your blog, eventually. Give it a shock, when it does –by finding Lots to crawl!

    (Note: BEFORE I got a Fresh template: I copied ENTIRE blog, pasted into Word, so I could put back, if anything went wrong & re-add the unique things. We don’t have access to the code on WP, but I would copy Every Single Thing written, before re-doing the template.)

    d a V i n e

  • No need to do the copy/paste (and please don’t do it into Word… use a plain text editor like Notepad (built into Windows) — I happen to like Notepad++ which is a free download).

    You can export your entire blog in an xml file and then reimport it into It’s somewhere in your dashboard. It’ll grab all your posts, your comments and categories. Clean out Akismet before doing it though.

    You will have to copy/paste any html you put into text widgets.

  • * Goog does index your blog at ‘’ regularly though.

    * the proper URL for your *mapped domain* is just ‘’ (without ‘www’ bit); did you ever try to Submit it to Goog?

    * verify & check your custom domain URL for ‘Crawl errors’ and other issues at the Google webmaster tools (; you might also want to specify your Preferred domain over there.

  • Hey he’s already listed. I was going to now post what I usually do about getting listed. I had this post bookmarked and just remembered it now. :O

  • nope, his custom domain has not yet.

  • Submit your site here on the right Submit it to ONLY the top 40 search engines. They’ll ask you to paste their code on your site. I forgot now if they’re code is html or javascript. But don’t worry about that. You will then get a few emails asking to confirm your submissions. And also claim your blog at Technorati and place Technorati’s buttons and such on your sidebar. And make sure to ping your blog when you’re done updating for the day. I ping mine at and And email other similar sites like yours for link exchanges on each other’s blogrolls. And to get listed on search engines, try to get your blog on at least one person’s blogroll that is already listed on Google. This way when they get indexed, your site will then be indexed. And submit directly to Google as well Where it says Comments, I didn’t know what that meant so I just placed a few tags that went along with my blog. It might take a few days to get listed. In my experience it’s taken less than a week. And NEVER buy links.

  • my blogs invisable to google too

  • nice to know. Did you read the thread you posted in? Where is your blog?

    7 Things to Know Before Posting in the Forums

  • Hello,

    It is very hard to understand all the things for me which is written here, but I have similar problem. My blog is also not appear in Google.

    My blog is :

    I had a site named :, which was previously listed in the Google. But now I have redirect this site here at wordpress.

    When I start this blog, I had blocked search engines in privacy options. But now I have changed setting and it is more than 10 days, but It is not in Google.

    Can anyone help ?



  • Your first post was only a couple days ago, and sometimes it takes 4-6 weeks for Google to crawl new blogs. Be patient and keep posting.

    Also, you need to assign categories to your posts. Searching the FAQ’s or the forum for categories will get you started.

  • {waving back to timethief}

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