My Blogroll has moved

  • You will see from my blog: that my blogroll has migrated to the bottom of the page. Does anyone have any idea why that might have happened, and how i might be able to fix it to get the links down the right hand side again?

    I thought maybe it is because there are so many links: that’s because it is being used as a library website with loads of links for each subject.

    Thanks for your help,

    A confused librarian.

  • Have you played with the widgets in the theme or have you left it as default?

    Could be the order of the widgets if you’ve changed them.

  • No we kept one of the basic themes for our blog. Thanks, though…

  • 1 – I politely point out that the URL to your site is as the following:

    The ‘clydebbankcollegelibrary’ bit takes the place of the ‘www.’ I point this out because some DNS servers will not take the four word URL with a *.com TLD and your site may be unviewable to some. If you take your mouse and hover over your username to the left, you’ll note that the URL displays correctly.

    2 – 99% of the time, it’s because you have incorrect code within your posts. Chances are you are using the rich editor for writing your posts. I recommend turning it off and just using the normal html editor. TinyMCE (that the name of the editor) has this annoying habit of redoing your code and making mistakes.

    Good luck,

  • Thanks for your reply…I think it might be something to do with the code, I have tried rewriting the posts using Notepad but in the case where there are bulletpoints it cannot be done…

    Still hopeful…

  • Someone suggested in another thread that, when this issue occurs, to change the posts one by one to draft status to see which post is causing the issue. When you change a post to draft status, it removes it from the page but leaves it within the database. After you check each one, you can then go back and change them to publish.

    Hope this helps,

  • Thanks DrMike, I’ll Try that.

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