my blog won't post to the "poems" category

  • my blog can’t post to the “poems” category and never has no matter what is done. I keep to just 4 tags as recommended and my other blogs can and do post to this category. Only this one doesn’t and never has. It can and does post to the other 3 categories I tag. There is something wrong and I believe that is obvious but you never acknowledge that there could be an issue. It’s not that you have millions of blogs because when I make the same post on my other blogs it posts to the “poems” category right away and every single time. This one never does post to only that one category.
    Blog url:

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • The only category I see listed on that blog is called “endorphins.” Are you saying that you have a category called “poems” on that blog as well? And that you are unable to select “poems” as a category for a post?

    I’m asking because I see this forum thread is tagged with “Topics page issue” so it’s unclear to me if you are wondering why your blog never appears in the Reader under poetry?

  • I’m sorry. I used the incorrect term. I mean tags. I tag them properly with poems and it doesn’t post in that page

  • or I should say it doesn’t post in that topic after having tagged it properly with the poems tag

  • how can I go to support for this because they don’t seem to understand the nature of my issue?

  • I guess I should just give up on this ever being resolved

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