My Blog Was Hacked!

  • In the Blu-Rays (Select Titles) category, where the DVD cover of Space:1999 was supposed to be, I found a photo of a naked fat chick in it’s place. Now, I obviously didn’t put it there, which means someone hacked into my blog and put it there. It’s gone now and the DVD cover restored. I also noticed that I have trouble highlighting certain text and changing the color, as in it doesn’t want to happen. What’s going on here?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • @shawnfrancis: I’ve looked at your blog and there is no evidence of that post being changed and the image changing.

    Please note you are displaying an image that is hosted on someone elses server so maybe the were hacked or decided they didn’t like you hot linking their image

  • I got the DVD cover from, so, you’re saying it might’ve come from them?

  • I sent that aforementioned site an email; have to wait and see if they reply.

  • They got back to me but said they didn’t do anything. I don’t like this because if it happened once, it could happen again. It’s shit like this that makes me remember why I don’t like technology to begin with. A necessary evil it is, unfortunately.

  • Okay, what’s the deal, here? That picture is back in place of the SPACE:1999 dvd cover? What the fuck is going on here?

  • Why am I not getting any feedback from people on this, or even from WordPress? That’s the second time that photo has returned. I’m wondering if this is some kind of inside job, is someone at WordPress fucking with me?

  • You really need to put a link to the page in question beginning with http as I am not able to find the page in question – you need to make it easy for the unpaid volunteers that provide most of the help here to even see what the problem is.

  • Go here:
    I’m gonna take a different image of the DVD cover this time and put it in. The one I was using was from Right now the region 2 cover is showing.

  • I have uploaded a new region 1 cover into the category, now, I’ll just have to wait and see if it gets altered.

  • Want to know what happened to you, from somebody who does professional internet drama consulting? What happened was this:

    You hotlinked an image without permission. What happens to that image, even what is displayed on that image, is not under your control. Someone at WordPress isn’t fucking with you; the image is not AT WordPress.

    Someone at tvshowsondvd is fucking with you. They ARE.

    If you want that image desperately, download it and upload it to WordPress and this fuckery will stop. It’s entirely your fault for going against acceptable practices by hotlinking the image in the first place. As long as you continue to hotlink, you will continue to be vulnerable to this.

  • I wasn’t aware of this hotlinking. Interesting.

  • Hotlinking is against etiquette because it uses the bandwidth of the other site. If you host the image here, it uses yours. Some places are still charged by the bandwidth they use: one friend of mine had all her images hotlinked by a korean business site and in one weekend she ran up a bill of $50,000 without even knowing it.

    Never, never hotlink without permission.

  • I wasn’t even aware what I was doing was bad, or even that it had a name! That means I gotta replace ALL my photos on my blog. They’re all copy and paste jobs. Son of a bitch.

  • Well, you don’t HAVE to, but it’s not a bad idea. Do it gradually, five minutes here, five there, when you get a chance. More important not to do it in future.

    Another advantage of hosting the images here is that they will add to your SEO more if they’re hosted at And because of our hosting here, if someone hotlinks your images, you don’t have to pay anything; it just counts as a link to your blog and Google thinks you’re more important.

  • Also, two more things:

    1) now that I’ve been mean to you, I have to say that is an amazingly impressive blog you’ve got!

    2) if you host the images here, shrink them first to whatever size you want, then upload them, and your blog will load so much faster you won’t believe it.

  • 1). Yeah, you were a bit of a douche bag. But, this is the internet, I generally expect that from people. This technology seems to bring that out in people, me included.

    2). I like my DVD covers large, so I can see detai,. but, I guess that explains why the blog is SO slow at times. I may still keep the size and live with slowness.

    3). Okay, I’m outta here . . . thanks for the education, raincoaster.

  • Just remember – if you can live with a slow-loading blog, that’s fine. But many people who come by your blog might not want to wait around for images to load. Your readers should come first, rather than your own preferences.

  • It’s all about properly optimizing your images before uploading them. As an example, your dark lurking cover is 262k in file size. I just optimized it down to 86k with virtually no loss in quality.

  • Good point, didn’t think about the blog readers there. Okay, I’ll shrink ’em a bit. Don’t know if I’ll have time tonight to start. Gonna try to fit in a renovation of the Blu-Rays (Select Titles) first.

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