My blog was suspended in error

  • A friend reported my blog http// is not accessible any more.
    When I logged in, the following message is displayed:
    This blog has been deactivated because we believe it does not comply with the Terms of Service or advertising policy.

    If your blog is designed to promote affiliate links, get rich quick programs, banner ads, consists solely or mostly of duplicate or automatically generated material, or is part of a search engine marketing campaign, is not the place for you. Please use the Export feature to move your content to a more appropriate hosting service.

    Occasionally we make mistakes. If you believe we have misclassified your blog, please click here to contact us as soon as possible so we can fix the problem.

    This is what I have reported to

    I have just found out that my blog has been de activated.I do not know the Blog URL stated above ie 495 . My blog URL is I have not violated any terms of service to the best of my knowledge,neither are any advertisements ever been put up, nor any used any links,sale gimmiks.The ONLY thing the blog has EVER been used for are putting up articles now & then.

    Please contact me as soon as possible at (email visible only to moderators and staff)


    Professor Yasmeen Ali

    Blog url:

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • I really don’t care that you claim to be an Attorney-at-Law

    I answered you here and you need to follow the instructions I gave you earlier:

  • PS If you copy large chunks of other articles that can also be an issue – it’s not just about ads.

  • Please use the contact link that is in your Dashboard warning and wait for our staff to contact you regarding your claim.

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