My Account Was Stolen Please Help

  • <font _mstmutation=”1″></font>Hello, my wordpress account was hijacked by others, my username and e-mail address were changed, and wherever I applied, there was no return.

  • You created this account suleymanguloglu21 a short time before you posted this threat. Before talking about hijacking etc. are you sure you are logged in to the correct account? It’s hard to believe someone would change your username and email address without your knowledge. And if someone would be able to do so, it would mean they have full access to your email address. So first things first: what account are you talking about?

  • Thank you for your answer. The username suleymanguloglu before it was taken over by others, the username after it was stolen is imranhossain22x I tried all the ways I said I was not me to the incoming mails. I sent a message to support but there was no return.

    In addition, my e-mail address was changed from (email visible only to moderators and staff) to (email visible only to moderators and staff)

    I just opened the account I am using now to access support.<font _mstmutation=”1″></font>

  • Thank you for your answer @staartmees. The username suleymanguloglu before it was taken over by others, the username after it was stolen is imranhossain22x I tried all the ways I said I was not me to the incoming mails. I sent a message to support but there was no return.

    In addition, my e-mail address was changed from (email visible only to moderators and staff) to (email visible only to moderators and staff)

    I just opened the account I am using now to access support.

  • You have to wait untill a staff member is available as they can see what exactly happened to your account. Because of the New Year it can take a bit longer before someone is available.

  • Thank you very much for your help @staartmees. Can you help me who and how to contact about this issue. Because this is a very difficult situation for me<font _mstmutation=”1″></font>

  • I tagged this thread to get attention from staff. Because of New Year you just have to wait.

  • Hi @suleymanguloglu21, when your email was changed, you should have an email notification about the change, asking you to reply to that if it was unauthorized. Can you make sure you’ve done that?

  • Hi @supernovia This is the mail I received and in reply I stated that it was not me.

    I am also surprised how hackers can get such an important account without any verification method

  • First of all i’m so sorry for commenting on someone’s post but hi @supernovia my post has been opened for 2 weeks and no one has replied: it’s a critical as it involves a hacking issue.

  • Hello @supernovia, @staartmees I am waiting for you to understand my situation and inform me about it. I applied to (email visible only to moderators and staff) and they informed me that the domains were locked and I still have not received a return from you on this issue. It is a very big security vulnerability for such important accounts to protect domains without sending any confirmation code without sending any confirmation code without phone verification.

  • Hi @suleymanguloglu21, cases like this can take a while to resolve because of the investigation steps requred. I can see folks are working on that for you already; please allow more time and do not create new tickets or send in extra replies unless we ask for more info.

    I’d also recommend using 2FA on this account, and your old account once this is resolved, as well as on your email itself, so they cannot log into your account without access to your device:

    Keep Your Site Safe and Secure » Enable Two-Step Authentication
    5 min read
    Your site is your home on the internet, and you want to keep that home safe. Hopefully, you’ve already chosen a unique and hard-to-crack password for your account. To add another layer of home security, you can enable two-step authentication by following the steps in this guide. What is Two-Step Authentication? Two-step authentication is a method of making your online account

    Otherwise, if they gain access to your email, then can use that to reset passwords and whatnot.

    Also, be sure to log out of any computers that other people can access. I hope this helps!

  • I may have the same problem if you change it back directly. To prevent this from happening again, you need to send verification to my email, my email is currently secure, but they can access my wordpress account again, you need to set and send me the new password so that this does not happen. @supernovia

  • Hi @tryamam68e6a55c3b this account does not appear to be the same as the original poster of this thread. If you are a separate individual with a similar issue, please feel free to contact us directly, or open another thread.

    I strongly recommend keeping communication regarding this case, to the email address with which we are communicating.

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