Multisite: Dashboard link takes me back to main site URL

  • Hi

    I have set up a sub-domain within my website [HTTps://] and the sub-domain is

    I believe I followed all the instructions in terms of the WP-Config and htaccess files.

    Plugins have been reactivated network-wide. No difference in the behaviour.

    I am showing the two sites under My Sites as expected.

    My issues is when I click on the dashboard link for the sub-domain site instead of getting the dashboard I get taken to the main site public page.

    Any suggestions on a possible fix? I have also approached the hosting platform in case there is something their end that can be done.


  • Hi Andrew,

    There are no sites under the account you’re reaching out from, and the site is not hosted on nor connected to your account via Jetpack. I’m a little confused about where are you checking it?

  • Sorry, I got them mixed up I think. It must be then, i.e., self-hosted.

    Off to the correct forums.

    Sorry about that.


  • Ah, no worries, we get this confusion a lot. I was just not sure if there was something I was not understanding :).

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