Multiple P2 site created

  • I set up a P2 site and submitted one post. However, I wanted to change the subdomain of the site so I first created a new site name and noticed that a new blog was created and the subdomain added “home” to my original subdomain. I deleted this new subdomain and found that it deleted everything. Why did it create an additional subdomain and can I recover my original site? Thanks.

    Site: Yes
    Correct account: Yes

  • Hi there – Just so we are sure we’re on the same page, could you share the following with us?

    1. What was the original site URL?

    2. What was the new site URL you created?

    3. Which site URL did you delete?


  • Hi Dean, thanks for the response.

    1. Original site URL was
    2. I never got around to creating the new site URL I wanted to create
    3. I deleted the one that was auto generated somehow,


  • Hello there,

    Many thanks for that additional information there.

    The main site on a P2 is a kind of “umbrella” that can hold many sub-P2s or “spaces” as they are called.

    The idea is that teams can create sites for all kinds of things below the main site. When a new P2 is created the subdomain name is used for the “umbrella” and a space with the umbrella subdomain plus “home” is automatically created.

    I hope this is useful.

    Just to check, are you looking to restore: as a P2?

    Many thanks.

  • Thanks for the follow up and additional info about P2’s.

    So it sounds like when I changed the title of my main P2, it created a sub-P2 with “home” added on. This got kind of confusing because they seemed identical in content but had different subdomains so I thought it was a duplicate that I could delete. But when I deleted that subdomain, or sub-P2, it also deleted the content from my main P2, which was a bit frustrating.

    Is there a way to recover the content of my main P2? I would like to recover that content and then change the main subdomain, if that’s possible.

    Thanks for assistance.

  • Do you recall the URL of the site originally, before the change?

  • It’s at the top of this thread.


    Is the content recoverable?


  • Hi,

    Due to how the P2 creation process works at this time, it’s expected that the first P2 you create will become sort of like a hub (called a Space), and the P2 you have with the content will have a new URL with the word home appended to it.

    So the content you’re looking for is on the site – we can still restore it for you. Please confirm and we’ll do that for you.

    I’m afraid we don’t have a way to move the content around (so will continue to be a Space). But if you want, you can change the URL of the site with the content from to something else (but not

    Let us know if you’d like us to restore the site and we’ll go ahead with this.

  • Thank you for the detailed explanation. Yes, please restore pglamarketinghome. Thanks!

  • All set! I’ve restored the site at for you. Please check and let us know if you have more questions.


  • In case you’re interested in reading, there is also some discussion of this on the official P2 Feedback site at

  • Yes, my site is restored. Thank you!

  • @justjennifer – I’ll definitely check out the discussion on the official P2 Feedback site. Thanks!

  • @aisajib One quick follow-up question. How do I change the URL of the -home subdomain? Thanks.

  • Can you tell us which address you’d like? We can run it by the P2 developers to see if we can make the change for you.

    The general instructions for changing a site address are here, but it looks like it won’t work for P2 sites. So I’d like to get a developer to look into it once I know which address you’d like to change the site to.


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